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IMOS - Financials

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The General Financials Module Right must be selected in Security. Access to other workspaces and actions also requires specific Module Rights. Your configuration might differ from the information shown.

Financial data from Operations are all pulled into the Financials module for the Accounting department. The Veson IMOS Platform (IMOS) can accommodate different approval processes, such as having one person approve invoices and another either release it to third-party accounting software or code it to go to a specific General Ledger account. Once a transaction is posted, some companies use another approval process after IMOS. Reports can be run for audit checking. This comprehensive module enables Accounting departments to perform accurate and efficient billing, tracking, processing, and auditing of financial transactions.

The Financials module includes links to:

To access a Financials workspace, on the main 

 or secondary 
 menu, click its link.

Introduction to Financials Video


The following pages describe concepts used in the Financials module:

For more information, see the Glossary.


You can do any of the following in the Financials module:

For industry-specific financials workflows, see BargingLNG, and Pooling module documentation.

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