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Fleet Monitoring

Functionality and Metrics

Our Fleet Monitor module allows you to construct fleets of vessels to track and can help you monitor the development of a competitor or of a particular vessel class.

Metrics you can track using Fleet Monitor include:

  • List of vessels included in the fleet

  • Map of origins and destinations

  • Timeseries of exports either as annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily aggregates that can be downloaded as CSV

  • Timeseries of net exports (exports volume minus export volume for the period) that can be downloaded as CSV

  • Distribution of commodities transported

  • Summary statistics (number of voyages, total volume, unique origin ports, unique destination ports, unique vessels)

  • Volume by origin and destination country/port

  • Voyage table with complete trading history by vessel (CSV download available)


See the following video about how to construct and monitor a fleet of vessels.

Filters and Settings

Fleet Filter

The fleet filter contains the fleets you have created.

Commodity filter

Select the commodity of your choice. You can select multiple commodities at the same time or leave the filter blank to see all commodities.

Time period

You can adjust the time period as needed with data going back to 2015. The time period is set to year-to-date by default.

See our tutorial on Handling the Date Filter to learn more.

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