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PL for Principals - Navigation & Main Features

The main navigation in the system can be found by within the Q88VMS platform and on the Q88 home page.

From Q88, click the Pro icon to access from the Classic View

or the Pro icon from the Dashboard view

From VMS, click the down arrow next to the home page to access Positions

Once you click on Q88 Pro from home screen or by clicking on positions you are brought directly to the main page.

In the top-right corner of the web site banner you will find the following icons:

  • Cargoes and Fixtures

  • Distance Calculator

  • Vessel Finder

  • Actions Menu

  • Notification Bell

The Actions Menu has the following options:

User’s Guide:

Links to the User’s Guide pdf file

Export Formats:

Manage the export formats

Email Distribution Lists:

Manage the email distribution lists

Ballast Areas:

Manage the ballast areas

Canal Transits:

Manage canal transit additional delays

Vsl Name Change Report:

Displays vessel name changes in the past 30 days

Vessel Details:

Vessel lookup


Link to electronic mousepad

1. Shortcut Keys

The system has been specifically designed to use keyboard shortcuts for many of the tasks you need to accomplish. The numeric short cut values depend on your list of Position Status values. You can find access to the shortcut keys in the lower left-hand corner of your screen labeled “Show Shortcuts”

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