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Getting Started with IMOS X

IMOS X is a fast, mobile-friendly experience that lives alongside the IMOS Platform and delivers powerful data insights and enhanced workflows. With on-the-go access, you can experience a new level of visibility and connectivity with your colleagues, customers, and partners.

Access IMOS X

To access IMOS X, go to and sign in with your email and password using the same credentials you use for the IMOS Platform.

Navigate IMOS X

When you access IMOS X, a navigation bar appears at the top of your browser.

IMOS X navigation bar

IMOS X navigation bar

From the navigation bar, you can access the following:

  • Main menu

  • Your profile

  • Global search bar

Use global search

Use the advanced global search functionality to quickly find voyages, cargoes, and vessels across IMOS X.

Global search in IMOS X

Global search in IMOS X

Refine your results

Your search results are returned and refined as you type​, but you can also add search filters.

Search filters in IMOS X

Search filters

  • To filter by record type, select a filter button to apply it to your search.

  • To remove existing filters and search all categories, select All.

  • Select Clear to remove existing search terms.

Core functionality

The core functionality of IMOS X allows you to engage with multiple aspects of your voyages and cargoes, including itinerary, voyage status, congestion data, CII details, P&L, and more.

  • Evaluate and approve Veslink forms: an enhanced experience for Veslink Voyage Reporting

  • Voyage and Cargoes: a visual overview of the itinerary and voyage status​

  • Port congestion data: built-in port congestion analysis and alerts

  • Enhanced P&L: date-driven graph showing daily impact by ledger category​

  • Control for Carbon: built-in integration provides vessel details and CII metrics

  • Drag-and-drop attachments: document management to quickly add and organize your files

Evaluate and approve Veslink forms

Take advantage of the enhanced Veslink Voyage Reporting workflows in IMOS X, including:

  • Receiving legacy VVR forms in context with the new Inbox workflow

  • Evaluate itinerary impact prior to approval

  • Sync your updates to IMOS

The Inbox workspace in IMOS X

The new Inbox workspace

A VVR Noon Report showing voyage impact in IMOS X

A VVR Noon Report showing voyage impact

Voyages and Cargoes

View all of your IMOS voyages and cargoes in the enhanced IMOS X user experience​.

The Voyages workspace in IMOS X

Voyages workspace in IMOS X

Port congestion alerts and analysis

Stay ahead of port congestion and downstream delays with inline alerts and analysis powered by Oceanbolt.

Inline port congestion data in IMOS X

Inline port congestion data in IMOS X

Enhanced P&L

Track and understand profitability swings with the data-driven P&L graph. The graph shows you the daily impact by ledger category. 

Profit and Loss graph in IMOS X

Date-driven Profit and Loss graph

Control for Carbon

Control for carbon emissions with a clear view of vessel details, ownership, and CII metrics powered by VesselsValue.

CII metrics and vessel details in IMOS X

CII metrics and vessel details in IMOS X

Drag-and-drop attachments

You can drag and drop files to quickly add and organize documents in IMOS X.

Upload documents in IMOS X

Upload documents in IMOS X

Sign out

To sign out, select the icon with your initials on the upper right of the page. Then, click Sign Out in the My Profile panel.


Frequently Asked Questions


Is IMOS X mobile-friendly?

Yes, it dynamically updates for viewing on mobile devices.

Is an IMOS Platform license required to leverage IMOS X?  

IMOS X is a user experience that interacts with and delivers data results to the IMOS Platform. The core functionality of IMOS X is included at no additional cost for IMOS Platform clients. IMOS X is complementary to IMOS workflows.

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