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Client Posted Notice - Updated Subprocessors 2024

In compliance with certain global data privacy regulations and its data processing obligations to you, Veson Nautical (Veson) would like to notify you of updates to the list of third party subprocessors.

The updates to Veson’s list of subprocessors are as follows:



Location (By Country)



United States



United States


Source code management and development ticketing

United States

Notion Labs, Inc.

Company knowledge database

United States

Sentry (Functional Software, Inc.)

Performance monitoring from code issues to poor-performing API calls and slow database queries

United States

Productboard, Inc.

Product management and customer feedback

United States


Website analytics (recording, heatmaps, events, funnels, etc.)

Czech Republic

Twilio Ireland Limited (SendGrid)

Email sending infrastructure


Veson Nautical Subsidiaries

Veson Nautical subsidiary

Belgium, France, Greece, Japan, Norway, Poland, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States

A complete list of Veson subprocessors is available at

In the event you object to any of the new Veson subprocessors and you can demonstrate that the change materially increases the risk of a Personal Data security breach or GDPR breach, please provide a detailed description of the reason for the objection and measures that would address the objection within 30 days of the date of this notice. Otherwise, there is no action required of you at this time and continued use of Veson’s products following the receipt of this notice will constitute your acceptance of Veson’s updated subprocessor list.

If you have any questions, please send them to:

Last Updated: July 8, 2024

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