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IMOS - Barge Fuel Consumption Setup

On the Barge Fuel Consumption Setup form you can set fuel consumption rates during discharge for barges of different capacities. Consumption values are set in gallons of fuel per hour, depending on the size of the barge. In other words, barges in size from (From Calibrated Bbls) to (To Calibrated Bbls) consume (Discharging) gallons per hour of (Fuel Type).

On the Data Center menu 

, under Vessels, click Barge Fuel Consumption.

  • Specifying a Vessel Type is optional. You can use this column to add certain types of barges that have the same barrel ranges but have different discharging consumption values.
  • The values on this form are used in the calculation of fuel used in the barge for heating.
  • This table is used for calculating barge fuel consumption; the fuel consumption table on the Barge form is not.
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