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IMOS X - Voyages

The Voyages workspace in IMOS X lets you quickly view and navigate through your voyages, track their current status, and see how the voyage's results are trending.

Voyage List

Voyages are sorted by Recently Updated by default, but you can choose to sort by Commence Date. You can filter the voyage list by status (Commenced, Completed, Scheduled, Forecast, Canceled, or Closed). You can choose to view voyages Assigned to anyone or assigned to you.

Voyages List in IMOS X

Voyages List in IMOS X

Voyages Map

From the Voyages List view, select the folded map icon in the upper right to view the Voyages Map.

Map icon in IMOS X

Map icon in IMOS X


Select a voyage to see the full itinerary. The Overview section describes the voyage from the first to the last port. The itinerary shows the vessel’s current location and upcoming ports.

Voyage Overview in IMOS X

Voyage Overview in IMOS X


The progress bar reflects the progress made on the itinerary as determined by the Arrival Notices, Departure Notices, and/or Noon Reports, as well as the total voyage days.

Voyage Itinerary in IMOS X

Voyage Itinerary in IMOS X

Voyage KPIs

For TCOV, OVOV, TCTO, or OVTO voyages, you can view the following KPIs at the top of the page: Days, TCE, P&L, and CII KPIs.

Voyages KPIs in IMOS X


For VCOV, SPOT, or RELT voyages, you can view the following KPIs at the top of the page: Days, P&L, and CII KPIs.

Days KPIs

Select the Days KPI to show additional metrics that are pulled from the voyage, including Ballast Days, Laden Days, Idle Days, Port Days, Gross Days, Off Hire Days, and Net Days.

Days KPIs in IMOS X

Days KPIs in IMOS X


Select the TCE KPI to show additional metrics that are pulled from the voyage, including Total Freight Revenue, Total Demurrage Revenue, Total Misc. Revenue, Total Port Expenses, Total Bunker Expenses, Total Misc. Expenses, Voyage Result (total P&L), and Net Days.




Select the P&L KPI to show additional metrics that are pulled from the voyage.

  • You can view the following metrics for TCOV, OVOV, TCTO, and OVTO-type voyages: Total Revenue, Total Expenses, and Running Costs.

Profit and Loss KPIS in IMOS X


  • For VCOV or RELT-type voyages, you can view the following metrics: Total Freight Revenue, Total VC In Freight Expense, Total Demurrage Revenue, Total VC In Demurrage Expense, Total Misc. Revenue and Total Misc. Expense.

  • For SPOT-type voyages, you can view the following metrics: Total VC In Freight Expense, Total VC In Demurrage Expense, Total Misc. Revenue and Total Misc. Expense.


Select CII to view the Distance, CO2 Emitted, and CII rating for the voyage.

Voyage CII metrics in IMOS X

Voyage CII metrics in IMOS X

Port Congestion

Select the info button (info) by a port in the itinerary line to view the port congestion summary, including the average days waiting, vessels waiting, and congested tonnage. Select the arrow icon to expand the commodity breakdown.

IMOS X Port Congestion Summary

Port Congestion Summary


If the voyage has cargoes, the Cargoes section shows the cargo on the voyage.

Cargoes in IMOS X

Cargoes in IMOS X

Each Cargo card contains the following information:

  • Cargo Name

  • CP Qty

  • Status

  • Cargo ID

  • Counterparty

  • Laycan Range

  • Load Port

    • Actual or Estimated arrival time at the port

    • Warnings if the vessel’s scheduled arrival is outside of the laycan window

  • Discharge Port

    • Actual or Estimated arrival time at the port

  • Progress Bar: specific to when the cargo is loaded on board the vessel; shows the progress of that specific cargo from when it is first loaded to when it will be discharged


You can view the following bunker information for TCOV, OVOV, TCTO, and OVTO voyages: 

  • A consumption summary graph showing the actualized and/or estimated consumption of the vessel over the length of the voyage for each fuel type

  • Average Price of each fuel type

  • Total consumption quantity per fuel type

  • Stem quantity per fuel type

Bunkers card in IMOS X Voyages

Bunkers card in IMOS X Voyages


In the Sustainability section, you can assess voyage emissions, including fuel consumption for each leg of the voyage.

Sustainability card in IMOS X Voyages

Sustainability card in IMOS X Voyages

The Sustainability section shows the following information:

  • Calculated Current Year CII rating within the rating band

  • Current Year AER within the rating band

  • Overall CII Rating

  • Attained AER

  • Required AER

  • CO2 Omitted

  • Fuel Consumed

  • Distance traveled

  • Time Underway

  • Current Voyage CO2 Impact section:

    • Total CO2 Emitted

    • Total Cargo Carried

  • Total Distance Sailed

  • EEOI

  • Carbon Intensity:

    • Previous Distance

    • Previous Emissions

If you are using the IMOS X SCC Emissions workflow, you will see the SCC Voyage Emissions subsection within the Sustainability card, which shows the emissions report table and data.

SCC Voyage Emissions table in IMOS X

SCC Voyage Emissions table in IMOS X


In the P&L section, you can access streamlined Profit and Loss information for financial monitoring.

Profit and Loss Summary graph in IMOS X

P&L Summary

Performance Metrics in IMOS X

P&L Performance Metrics

The P&L summary shows the following information:

  • Current TCE Value

  • A graph plotting the TCE over time

    • Select a specific timeframe using the date slider.

Profit and Loss date slider in IMOS X

P&L date slider in IMOS X

  • P&L Remarks

  • Revenues: Freight, Demurrage, and Total Revenues

  • Expenses: Bunkers, Port Expenses, and Total Expenses

  • Running Costs: Hire, Total Running Costs 

  • Performance Metrics: includes more granular P&L Categories

    • Profit/Loss, Daily P&L, Per Unit Cost, Total Cargo Lift, Revenues, Expenses, VC In Freight, VC In Demurrage, Fuel Cost (for each fuel type), Fuel Consumption Qty (for each fuel type), Total Voyage Days, Net Voyage Days, Sea Days, Port Days, Off Hire Days

    • The percentage variance between the estimate and actual amounts for each category with a scale bar showing the percentage variance scale relative to the other categories

    • Estimated value for each category

    • Actual value for each category

Related forms

Quickly access forms related to this voyage by selecting the envelope icon to view forms related to this voyage.



You can open and add/remove attachments for the voyage by selecting the paperclip icon in the upper right of the Voyage Details view.


Tasks & Alerts

To view Tasks & Alerts for a voyage, select the bell icon.

Tasks and Alerts in the IMOS X Voyages workspace

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