Q88Dry- Fleet Status
Accessing Fleet Status
You can have a summary review of your vessels' status under the Vessels menu > Fleet Status.

Fleet Status
Alternatively, you can find Fleet Status as an icon on the Dashboard view:

Fleet Status Icon
Fleet Status table
On the new window, you get to the table with available columns:

Fleet Status page
Golden Star: shows that the vessel is listed by your Company; the white star shows if you have shared access to the vessel
Vessel’s name
Missing: Questions (not answered) within Baltic99 form
Inspections: registered in the Vetting Module (Number of inspections/ Number of observations as recorded).
Docs: As per the Certificates and Documents module (Number of docs/ Number of published docs).
Questionnaires: created online/offline.
Q88Dry: colour indicates how recently the vessel’s Baltic99 form is updated. Be aware of the legend at the bottom of the page to explain the colours. Yes/no field indicates whether the Q88 form is published or not. The number in parenthesis counts how many times your vessel has been searched by all Q88Dry users within the last 30 days.
Offline. Date of latest submission of Q88 offline form to the system.