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Orders - Add and Edit Orders

Add orders from external sources to your Order List

Orders received from external sources, other than those received in your emails, for example, an order received over a call or text message can be easily added to your order list.

There are 2 ways in which to do this:

1.  Add icon

  • Click on the Add iconimage-20241106-153709.png from the Order toolbar of an order tab. 

  • Type in or perform a copy-paste of your received order into the text box.



  • The details of the Order will automatically be filled into the fields at the bottom section.

  • Correct any of the filled information straight from within the fields if necessary.

  • Click on the Add button bottom right corner to add the order to your list.

2.  Plus '+' symbol

  • From main menu (blue ribbon on far left of your screen) find the 'Orders' sub-heading and click on the '+' symbol next to the subheading

  • The white box, 'Add Order', appears

  • Follow the last four points as described above


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