Forecast Market Values now available for the MPP sector.
Daily updated values
Quarterly Forecast updates for up to 4 Years
Detailed commentary on market influences
Exportable for specific vessels and the MPP fleet

Energy efficiency : EEXI / EEDI NEW PRODUCT
View estimated EEDI/EEXI ratings for cargo vessels in the global fleet.
View, search and compare EEDI/EEXI vessel compliance
Fleet and portfolio comparison
View and update assumptions to recalculate scores
Modify search within the ‘Fleet Database’

Using our Database functionality, you can now filter results for BWTS Features including: BWTS Fitted vessels, Fit Date, and if a BWTS was present at the time of sale.
Automatically added to all Fleet Database & Deals Database subscriptions
Crew Transfer Vessels NEW PRODUCT
Crew Transfer Vessels allows you compare and view CTV Current, Market, Historical Values.
Access valuation trends and expected earnings and to analyze vessel/company trading histories
All alongside the historical and real time movements on a vessel and fleet level

Green Filters UPDATE
You can now view a vessels green features on an individual vessel page, and filter by them on VV’s Fleet Database with the new ‘Green’ tab.
Automatically added to all Fleet Database subscriptions
EBA compliant Market Value Certificate NEW PRODUCT
VV’s services fulfil the latest EBA guidelines; including our new EBA compliant market valuation certificate, our independence, valuation methodologies and accuracy reporting.
Available to all clients

You can now export Vessel, Company and Fleet data from the VV database.
Automatically added to all Export subscriptions
View the 5 latest S&P transactions associated with a Vessel’s Market Valuation.

Small Dry Values UPDATE
We have conducted a thorough review of our algorithm, and to ensure our data is accurate and up to date, we have updated our Small Dry values.
Automatically added to all Small Dry Market Value subscriptions
Volume Aggregation UPDATE
New “Volume Aggregation” filter allows you to aggregate vessel journeys and view related metrics, such as estimated cargo volumes in three different ways: “On Water”, “Export”, and “Import”.
Automatically added to all Trade subscriptions
Livestock UPDATE
Livestock vessels between 500 to 50,000 GT have now been added to VV’s Database, allowing you to view vessel specs, management details, and mapping positions.
Automatically added to all Fleet Database and Mapping subscriptions
Newbuild Market Value UPDATE
VV’s automated Newbuild Value is now included in Market Value subscriptions allowing you to see the amount a vessel of equivalent specification could be contracted between a Buyer and a Shipyard.
Automatically added to all Market Value subscriptions
Scrubber Report NEW PRODUCT
New exclusive report for VV Clients.
Includes fuel spreads
VV’s scrubber premium
Fleet analysis, S&P activity and much more
Sent directly to clients each quarter

Quarterly Short Outlook Report NEW PRODUCT
Available to download directly.
Covers Bulker, Tanker, Container & LPG sectors
Includes forecasted freight rates and market values
Quarterly demand supply assessment and market assumptions

Small Dry, Reefer & Specialised Cargo Trade NEW PRODUCT
New sectors now available in Trade.
Analyse vessel and company trading histories
Learn about new sectors and trade routes
Identify supply and demand patterns and see what your competitors are doing

Now available under our Offshore data.
View and compare Market Values
See historical valuation trends
Compare and identify vessels of interest
See ownership structures of operated and open licenses

Small Tanker Trade UPDATE
Small Tanker Trade data has increased its coverage.
Now includes vessels from 1,000 DWT to 29,499 DWT
Fleet Management NEW FEATURE
Improved information relating to a company’s fleet management including: operators, commercial controllers, and technical management.
Automatically added to Fleet Database subscriptions