Operator Search Endpoint
Receive data about other vessels operated by the provided operator_id or those which 'match the string provided.
Request Examples
Using comp_id: https://api.vesselsvalue.com/search/operator?token=<your_token>&comp_id=<operator_id>&format=<format>
Using term: https://api.vesselsvalue.com/search/operator?token=<your_token>&term=<text_string>&format=<format>
Parameter | Values | Required? | Notes |
?token= | <your token> | Yes | Your API authorization token. |
&comp_id= | <operator_id> | Yes if not using term | Returns data for the provided operator ID. |
&term= | <text_string> | Yes if not using comp_id | Returns data for all ships operated by a company whose name matches the text string. |
&format= | json | No | Sets output format. |
&output= | ftp | No | Forces format to csv and saves output to your VesselsValue FTP account. |