Can I submit Veslink form attachments via the API?
Yes, agent companies and third-party vendors now have the ability to submit supplementary attachments to forms via the Veslink API.
The following API end-points can be used for attachments:
POST ID HERE/attachments/add?apiToken=HERE&fileName=HERE
GET ID HERE/attachments/list?apiToken=HERE
Please note that you should use the form Id/guid from when you initially submitted the form and submit the attachment toward it. You can only send an attachment to a form you (or your company) has previously submitted, and you can only retrieve attachments you (or your company) submitted.
If you have multiple attachments, you will need to perform one POST per file.
Example: New Orleans June 2024.pdf

An attachment sent with the form will appear as a link under the form title:

Click to download and save an attachment.
Attachments do not print along with forms.
If a form is rejected, the attachment is rejected as well.