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Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tradecontr' with unique index 'tradecontr_index01'.

This issue impacts Trading P&L Snapshots. Often the cause of this issue is that there two "current" voyage snapshots for a problematic cargo, which was causes a duplicate cargo trade to be created and saved to the database creating a duplicate key error.

If users encounter this issue, they will need to open and re-save the voyage. The system will remove the duplicate snapshot and will also fix the trade snapshotting. Next, create a manual trading snapshot and it will successfully save.

If issues persist after an attempt at the above manual fix, please reach out to Veson Nautical Support by opening a case in the Veson Nautical Help Center.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.