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December 2021 Changelog



Reverted the changes that added the voyage TCE to the configuration options for the Gantt bars in the Vessel Schedule.
Bug EN-40450



Previously, when Monthly Accruals was run with the ‘Reconcile Bunker ROBs for Current Voyage’ setting enabled, non-current voyage ROB lines were displayed for consecutive voyages. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-40317


Distances & Maps

New port added: Patimban (Indonesia)
Story EN-40296


Distances & Maps

New ECA zone added: ECA - HAINAN
Story EN-39564



New configuration flag has been added - CFGIncludeBunkerPortChargesInPnl. When enabled, port charges included in bunker invoice will be included into actual column of voyage P&L of the voyage where these charges were incurred.
Bug EN-39457



Various enhancements to the Report Designer:
- Is Frt Adj Commissionable field has been added to the Operations Invoice Detail table
- Vessel Tce Target table has been added (requires schema version 35.5);
- Cargo Remarks table has been added and can be joined to from the Cargo table;
- Time Charter Tonnage Tax table has been added;
- Voyage Notes table has been added and can be joined to from the Voyage table;
- Survey Costs Bunkers table has been added and can be joined to from the Operations Invoice table;
Story EN-40379



In the cargo contract XML interface (autotu), fixed an issue where creating an FOB cargo could fail when the message action is explicitly set to "create", and improved logging of FOB voyage create/update actions.
Bug EN-40362


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Master name in forms now shows up in the table
Bug EN-40154



'Incinerator' property added to ROB fields exposed in Report Designer
Bug EN-39822


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Veslink API form submissions now show pre-validation errors
Story EN-39749


Trading VIP Only

Previously, clicking the Quick Filters could result on it permanently showing “Loading…”. The issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-39580


Distances & Maps

New port added: YME FPSO (Norway)
Story EN-40115


P&L & Accruals

Fixed the issue where bunker consumption per period was being incorrectly calculated when calculating the basis snapshot. Consumption per period is now calculated basis noon reports existing in the system at the time snapshot was taken.
Story EN-40092


Distances & Maps

New port added: Great St. Lawrence Harbour (Canada)
Story EN-38746



In Report Designer, added Engine Load and Description to "Vessel Sea Cons Bunker" reporting table (requires upgrade to schema v35.3 to use new columns). In the "Paper Trade" reporting table, the "Act Dept" can now be used to link to Department data.
Story EN-40312



In Report Designer, added "Service Date" to the Operations Invoice reporting table.
Story EN-40113



In Report Designer, added "Liquid Qty" and "Non Liquid Qty" from the Cargo Handling form of Voyage Manager to the "Voyage Itinerary" reporting table.
Story EN-40091



In the past, for Delay claims, the Original and Estimated claim amounts failed to take into account Off Hire Address Commission values.
This has been fixed now.
Bug EN-40013



In Report Designer, "Fuel Zone Set ID" in the Vessel table can now join to the Fuel Zone Set table.
Story EN-40001


Data Lake

In Report Designer, added "Use Cranes" to the Estimate Itinerary reporting table.
Story EN-39255


P&L & Accruals

Previously, Market Value results were not correctly displaying for Estimated or Posted P&L columns. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-38847



In Report Designer, added "STS Vessel" from Ops Overview to the Voyage Cargo Handling table.
Story EN-38766



In Report Designer, added "Use Last Invoice Price" property to the Delay table.
Story EN-37081


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Resolved an issue sending some form sharing emails configured to multiple recipients
Bug EN-40341



Previously, there was an error with the updateVoyage Focus API that caused incorrect ETA/ETD dates for itinerary lines inserted before the previous first itinerary line. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-39825


Tasks & Alerts

The owner property of tasks automatically generated by Task & Alert rules is no longer overwritten by the current user. Task owner is now properly set on creation.
Bug EN-39226


Demurrage & Claims

Laytime calculations now allow deductions to be synced across common port calls. When "CFGAggregatePortTabOnLaytime" is enabled, syncing will be the default behavior for new deductions.
Story EN-36934


Data Center Settings

Previously, the Email field on the Address Book form was limited to 80 characters. Now, after upgrading to schema version 352, the Address Book Email field will be 256 characters.
Story EN-35890


Distances & Maps

Corrected Point E of the Piracy - High Risk Area to be more accurate
Bug EN-40306



Fixed an issue where a voyage's LOB and VoyageRef could be cleared by the updateVoyage Focus API.
Bug EN-39969


Veslink Voyage Reporting

In Agent Portal, attachments that were added to a form can now be deleted.
Story EN-39858



Previously, the `Item Select` form (in TC In payments and TC Out bills) permitted the selection of all elements in the form, without regard to the selected currency.
Now the selected currency, and the consequent hire period (if any), determine which elements of the `Item Select` form are selectable, and which ones are not.
Story EN-39368


Demurrage & Claims

The first column of the Laytime Calculation's Cargo Handling grid is now populated with radio buttons that, when selected, open the corresponding Port Activities tab.
Story EN-36933


Security & User Mgmt

Users now require a new security permission to edit the Planned Liftings grid when it is not in the Preliminary status.
Story EN-36906



Previously, when the trading profile flag, "Short Position for cargo on index linked TCI", was enabled, exposure calculations for the Cargo were associated to the wrong period when the TCI has a complex pricing configuration. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-40088



Three new columns (First BL Code, First BL Date, and First Cargo ID) have been added to the Create Invoice List in Financials. These column are also available in the Voyage Manager Invoice List when flag CFGUseVoyagePnlBasedInvoicesList is enabled.
Story EN-39690


Distances & Maps

Updated point F location for High Risk Area
Bug EN-40279


Distances & Maps

Updated distances to make port Nakpo routable
Bug EN-40140


Analytics VIP Only

A bug in which report filters with the 'is' and 'is not' conditions could not be edited has been corrected.
Bug EN-40017



When generating claims from Off-Hire delays, the system will now default the status, currency, and exchange rate. In addition, the claim's reference number now supports linkage to the TC contract.
Story EN-40015


Security & User Mgmt

Previously, there was a bug that would not allow users to create new security groups if they had the maximum amount of allowed licenses (users) in use. Now, you may create as many security groups as you want without worrying about how many licenses are in use.
Bug EN-39545


Analytics VIP Only

Previously, "is in the list" Report Designer filter wasn't showing available filter options the when data source is Veslink Forms. The issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-36574


Berth Scheduling

The "Block Berth" right click menu will no longer show up in the Unallocated Bookings grid.
Bug EN-39976



Users are now able to delete Drafts in Onboard
Story EN-28209



Previously, when Monthly Accruals was run with the ‘Reconcile Bunker ROBs for Current Voyage’ setting enabled, some non-current voyage ROB lines were displayed for consecutive voyages. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-39142


Veslink Voyage Reporting

An icon has been added to the Forms link in the Voyage Manager workspace side panel. It displays the number of forms associated with the voyage which have been validated and are pending approval.
Story EN-38955



With this fix Account Analysis Report should show the correct transaction amount for a saved FX adjustment.
Bug EN-38951


Distances & Maps

Coordinates for port "Elba Island" corrected
Bug EN-40009


Distances & Maps

New port added: Lekki CBM (Nigeria)
Story EN-39985


Distances & Maps

Port: "River Colombia" renamed to proper name "Columbia River"
Story EN-39848


Distances & Maps

Updated Piracy - High Risk Area region to reflect new coordinates
Story EN-38451



Shared Information will no longer display an error when there is too much data
Bug EN-39689


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Blank lines in Voyage Template Lists will no longer cause Voyage Instructions to crash
Bug EN-39431


Tasks & Alerts

Previously, a bug was introduced that caused Time Charter Tasks & Alerts rules with conditions on Time Charter Brokers, Time Charter Expenses, and Time Charter Hire to be evaluated incorrectly. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-38751


Veslink Voyage Reporting

Feature board, if "Veslink will automatically send an email to the vessel when Voyage Instruction forms are submitted" and "Send Voyage Instructions as PDF attachments" are both checked, then users can send voyage instructions as PDF attachments in the email.
Story EN-38956



In the past, if we updated a cargo through an import, that would reset previously-set liner expenses. Now we preserve previously-set liner expenses.
Bug EN-40044



Added a new P&L Calc Option called “Capitalize and Amortize Costs Prior to Performing Period” to the Monthly Accruals form which will allow capitalization and amortization of costs incurred as a result of fulfilling a contract prior to the performing period of the contract, and after the nomination date.

When selected, the costs incurred between the Nomination Date and the Start of the First Load port will be capitalized and then amortized over the performing period as defined by the Start of First Load to the end of Last Discharge on the voyage. The amortization will happen as a percentage of the performing period completed on the accrual date. Costs incurred during the performing period will not be affected by this option.

This option will be selected by default when CFGDefaultPnLCalcCapAmortContractFulfillmentCosts is enabled. It requires additional business rules to be added to account for the journals generated from this logic using the following prefixes: "CAP", "AM", "EXP" and "CM" for capitalized costs, amortized costs, costs expensed to the period and all other journals respectively.
Story EN-39861



Previously, index linked TCI contracts with applied market value concept and their related cargo contract had incorrect exposure days. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-39518


System Performance

Filters on Receivables Summary views were inconsistent between removing and reapplying the filter, and loading from another view. They are now consistent and accurate.
Bug EN-38826



Before, Laytime Claims with multiple cargoes having the same counterparty were missing fields, such as Cargo Group and Cargo LOB, in the Claim List. Now these fields are populated with the information from the first Itinerary line containing a cargo in the Laytime Calculation.
Bug EN-37592


System Performance Desktop Only

Fixed an issue where upgrading the IMOS database schema to v346 or above would result in an error on pre-2016 versions of SQL Server.
Bug EN-40052


Distances & Maps

Coordinates updated for ports Cherry Point and Port Angeles Pilot Station
Bug EN-39991


Distances & Maps

Fixed routing for Nakpo and Satsumasendai
Bug EN-39972



When CFGDuplicateActivitiesForCargoesAndBerths is enabled, berth-only voyage template port activities will now populate correctly in voyages when more than one berth-only activity is present in a voyage template.
Bug EN-39268


Trade Hub

Enhanced date-time picker for Laycan Range. User can no longer select dates that are in the past, and are also provided the option to select any date up to 2 years from the current day.
Bug EN-39900



In Voyage Estimator, fixed an issue where percent-based overage and deadfreight were not properly accounted for in the breakeven freight calculation or reverse TCE calculation.
Bug EN-39675


Analytics VIP Only

Previously, adding the Voyage Leg Summary table to the Voyage table in the Report Designer might have led to missing voyages in the report. The issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-38361

k8snextrelease, k8s-1-6-2022

Ops Hub VIP Only

* Load time of the Voyage and Cargo Views in the Ops Hub has been improved.
* Previously, when there were unpublished changes to a cargo, the corresponding card in the Ops Hub Cargo Views would display a badge with the number of fields whose current value differed from the value in the last published update. Now, a badge will display with the relative time of the last published update (for example, "two days ago"). Hovering the mouse over the badge will show a tooltip with the full timestamp.
* Previously, publishing the latest version of a cargo would sometimes not clear the unpublished updates badge in the Cargo Views. Now, the badge should no longer display when the latest version of the cargo has been published.
Story EN-39910

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