Error: Voyage could not be loaded after deleting the TC contract the voyage was created from.
If you are receiving an error, "Voyage could not be loaded.“ when trying to open an existing voyage, it could be a result of deleting and updating the time charter contract that the voyage was created from.
There are checks in place to prevent deletion of a time charter contract once it has been used in a voyage, but simultaneously updating the voyage in question can result in the deletion of the TC contract from the voyage.
The error appears because a key piece of contractual information is missing from the voyage. If you want the voyage linked to a different time charter contract than the contract the voyage was created from, the time charter contract should be removed from the voyage before deleting the time charter contract from the system.
Example Scenario:
Voyage is created using TC contract "A,“ but a user would like to update the TC contract to contract "B“
A user deletes TC contract "A“ (This may occur if a user has been creating the TCO voyage while another was simultaneously deleting the TCO fixture.)
When trying to open the Voyage to link TC contract "B,“ you receive the error message: Voyage could not be loaded. (The voyage cannot be loaded because a key piece of data is missing)
To avoid the error message, create a new TC for the voyage, which will automatically assign TC Code "A“, and after saving the fixture, the voyage can be opened. If the user does not want the voyage linked to the TC, they should remove the TC from the voyage before deleting the TC fixture.