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How are the Provisional Port Expenses used?

The Provisional Port Expenses are used in the PnL when the Estimated and Actual Port Expenses differ.

If the actual costs from the invoices are equal to or higher than the initial estimated amount for the Port Expenses, the system will only show and accrue for the total final cost. For example, for Port ACU, the actual amount of 80,000 is greater than the estimated 75,000.



However, for the Port SAN LORENZO-SAN MARTIN:

  1. The estimated port expenses for the port SAN LORENZO-SAN MARTIN are set to 150,000, and without any changes, the system would accrue for these 150,000.

  2. In this case, the final port disbursement of the port has a total cost of 120,000 USD.


  1. The system will show, in the PnL, the total actual port expenses that came from the port disbursement (in this case, 120,000), and the remaining amount of the initial (150,000) estimated port expenses will be shown as Provisional Port Expenses (30,000).


Please note that for the Provisional Port Expenses to appear in the P&L, the “Use Estimate Cost on P&L” needs to be checked.

If you wish to remove this from the P&L, uncheck the “Use Estimate Cost on P&L” from the port expenses summary for the corresponding port. To apply these changes the Voyage Status should not be set as “CLOSED”.


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