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How do I fix the issue where some of the fields in my custom Form Designer form not appearing in the Port Activities list after submission?

This issue can occur if multiple fields in the custom Veslink Form are mapped to the same Port Activity in IMOS/Veson IMOS Platform, with one conditionally visible based on other defined criteria.

When importing to IMOS/Veson IMOS Platform, it is possible that the field visibility will be ignored, and since the field is hidden (so no value entered is entered) it is deleted from IMOS/Veson IMOS Platform.


  • Clients can create a new activity in IMOS/Veson IMOS Platform to better separate the mutually linked fields so that the fields in the form have uniquely mapped activities.

  • Clients can combine the two fields into one and update the single field's label to something that applies to both; that way, users don't need to depend on a hidden field that maps to the same activity, with one conditionally visible based on other defined criteria.

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