How many decimal places are used in the Veson IMOS Platform's back-end calculations?
The Veson IMOS Platform displays numerical values with up to 6 decimal places and utilizes decimal values of up to 15 total characters, preceding and following decimal points.
To view the full decimal value being stored in a field, users can hover their mouse cursors over the field to reveal a tooltip that will display the fully considered value. This behavior can be witnessed in the Delay screen examples below, where
The abbreviated value of 48.383333 is fully stored on the back end as 48.3833333333333

The abbreviated value of 405.516667 is fully stored on the back end as 405.516666666667

The only exception to this logic is when a 0 is the only integer preceding a decimal point. This character is not counted, and the Veson IMOS Platform will display 15 numerical characters after the decimal place.