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How to Troubleshoot System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005)

This article serves to document troubleshooting steps for rectifying the following error for On-Premis clients:

Error executing IPC distances call: IPC Distances error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005)

Housekeep all unused files in imos/dat and imos/db

  • Navigate to the directory where the Distances files are stored

  • Ensure that there is only one version of vesonx70.dtx in imos/dat directory

  • Ensure that there are only two versions of updatePortsV7.sql and tzoneUpdate.sql (some clients do not copy the files here as it needs to be executed in SSMS instead)

Ensure that the file versions are from the same Distance folder

  • Verify from last modified date to ensure that the 3 files belong to the same batch

    • example: dtx and sql files belong to the same Distance release

      • Do not have dtx from a different version stored in imos/dat file while executing sqls of a different distance release

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