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IMOS - Bareboat Manager

When time chartering in a vessel, you need to create a Time Charter In for the Bareboat charter and then record the contracted cost of the crew and provisions provided by a separate counterparty.

The Bareboat Manager form enables you to manage Bareboat information and payments.

  1. Under the Chartering module > Time Charter In - List > Under the Bareboat tab > Click


  2. Do any of the following:

    • In the Hire Rate grid, if the Bareboat Hire is not paid on the Time Charter Payment, enter a Bareboat Hire Rate. On the Voyage P&L, it appears as Bareboat Hire.

    • In the Miscellaneous grid, enter miscellaneous expenses for all Bareboat Payments. You can specify if they are commissionable.

    • In the Broker grid, add Brokers to the contract.

    • To view the Bareboat Hire Statement and report, click 

    • To make a payment, click

      . Payments appear in the Summary Tree.

    • To view and create Bareboat Commission Payments from the Bareboat Commission Summary, click 


Summary Tree

The Summary Tree, at the right, summarizes and provides access to important forms and related information.

Related Configuration Flags


If enabled, the Voyage P&L treats Miscellaneous Expenses on the Bareboat Manager form as Voyage Expenses rather than as Running Costs.

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