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January 2021 Changelog


Data Center Settings

Added a flag to webquery in imosmail, failOnEmptyResponse. This flag, when enabled, will result in imosmail failing if the result of the webquery is an empty string. This can be used if you would prefer imosmail to fail deterministically in the event of an empty result.

Bug EN-35445


Messaging Service

Freight invoice xml now matches the order in the xsd.

Bug EN-35173



The FOE row in the ROB control on Veslink Forms should be calculated correctly.

Bug EN-34999


Platform API

Previously, calls to api/forms/dataset were not considering the formStatus filter in conjunction with the formIdentifier filter, and calls containing both were returning forms defaulting to formStatus 'approved'. Now, when both are used, both are taken into account and forms of both the proper formIdentifier and formStatus are returned.

Bug EN-34617



Added new config flag: CFGLinkBunkerPurchase
When enabled users will have the ability to link a future physical bunker purchase for a single fuel type to physical contracts. Requires the CFGM2MFuturePhysicalBunkers flag to also be enabled.

Story EN-31065


P&L & Accruals

Resolved an issue where an interfaced PDA/FDA was throwing off the calculated posted PnL amount.

Bug EN-34934


System Performance VIP Only

Added a popup searchbox that allows users to search for a specific workspace and navigate directly to it. Try it with keyboard shortcut: Control Key + Comma

Story EN-34570


Chartering VIP Only

Fixed an issue where TCO estimate labels were misaligned with fields.

Bug EN-35401



When "CFGEnableXDiffToVoy" config flag was enabled, imported payment from external interface was not auto-checking the "Exch Diff to Voy" checkbox

Bug EN-35359


Demurrage & Claims

An issue related to tooltip display on the Laytime Calculation Notes field has been fixed.

Bug EN-35356



Monthly accruals does not take into account Pool voyages from prior month when it actually exists in the Pool for the following month. This issue is fixed now.

Bug EN-35287


Messaging Service

The Invoice XML used for integrations now includes a tag for vendorReferenceCode.

Story EN-34531



Final Freight Statement report did not always show payment details when 'Show Payment Details' option is selected. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-34269



The design action is no longer available to users who cannot edit a report on the report list. In desktop, report titles in the report list are no longer links.

Bug EN-31917



Fixed an issue where the Port Activities form could not be opened from Voyage Manager if the related vessel's vessel code was a single character. Fixed an issue with the vessel import interface which could allow for importing a vessel with vessel code below minimum required length.

Bug EN-31615



An issue related to inputting long voyage estimate remarks under certain schema versions has been fixed.

Bug EN-35331



Previously, the Ballast Bunker Exposure rates for TCOs using a benchmark estimate were incorrect when the delivery port included port consumption. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-35315



Recently, a bug was introduced that resulted in spurious warnings about COAs being displayed when Time Charters with intercompany mirroring enabled were saved. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-35363



Claim Invoices (Direct), Claim Invoices (Related) and Linked Claims joins have been added to the Claim table in Report Designer.

Bug EN-32181



In Voyage Estimator, fixed a potential crash which could occur if your estimate contains several planned bunker stems.

Bug EN-34865



A new configuration flag CFGPnlCalcCheckCashVariance has been added. If enabled, the system will refresh the current snapshot when a payment has been made against a voyage without needing to re-save the voyage itself. This includes payments made via the interface. Note that enabling this flag requires schema version 313 or later. The flag remains off by default.

Bug EN-34449



Added an "Use Scrubber" checkbox, DWT information, and DWF% information to the Voyage Estimate Column View. Added an "Use Scrubber" checkbox to the Voyage Estimate Details View.

Story EN-34034



Program date filter values will now update correctly when switching between programs.

Bug EN-33359


Operations VIP Only

In the Port Advance/DA form, improved the performance of opening existing disbursement invoices.

Bug EN-35124


Operations VIP Only

Fixed an issue where opening an Address Book record containing "+" in the short name could not be done from various forms.

Bug EN-34613


Veslink Voyage Reporting

User is now allowed to approve forms when negative values are specified for LNG consumption.

Bug EN-31972


P&L & Accruals VIP Only

Differentiate between accrual and custom snapshots in pnlSnapshots.

Bug EN-34837



Added new configuration flag: CFGM2MFuturePhysicalBunkers
When enabled, users can set a bunker purchase as a future and add in bunker market symbols to the fuel types that are included so that the purchase can tracked on the Trading P&L and included in exposure.

Story EN-34582



An issue related to editing off-hire invoice values for OV head fixtures has been fixed.

Bug EN-34612



Monthly Accruals form did not handle CFGAccrueFOBVoyages config properly when including FOB voyages into the calculations. This has been fixed.

Bug EN-33944


Distances & Maps

Opening an itinerary map from the Voyage Manger now works when the itinerary includes certain At Sea waypoints that were causing errors.

Bug EN-33334



Two new options were added to the right-click menu for off-hire delays in the Delays form.

Duplicate Off Hire: Creates a new off hire with the same details as the original off hire.

Duplicate Off Hire to Reversal: Creates a new off hire reverse with the same details as the original off hire.

Story EN-30509



Voyage level forms (such as Exclusion Notice) will not cause validation errors by attempting to validate on voyage legs.

Bug EN-34650



Cargo Itinerary allocations for financials invoices in currencies with high exchange rates to USD were causing incorrect values to be calculated. This has been fixed

Bug EN-34135


Data Center Settings

When navigating away from the "Tow" vessel form in the Data Center, an error message would appear. This issue has been fixed.

Bug EN-35192



Prior to deleting a barge/boat, the system will check if the equipment has been used. We now prevent the deletion of equipment that has been used.

Bug EN-35004


Data Center Settings

Added "userAlert" field to vesselExport and vesselExportFull notifications to expose Alerts associated with vessel.
Added "userAlert" field to ImosData.xsd and ImosVslExport.xsd schema files - so the field can now be imported as well.

Story EN-31851


Disbursement Interface

An issue in the autoinv program resulted in small differences in the PDA/FDA as compared to the TDE. This issue has been resolved.

Bug EN-34998



An issue related to displaying the BL Qty of Linked Liftings for VC In COA's has been fixed.

Bug EN-34870



Added new checkbox to the Trade Routes form to define a calculated route as a "split" route. When a route with the checkbox selected is used to define the exposure details on a TC contract then the TC exposure will be split across the routes that are defined in the formula for the calculated route. This split will be both for the Exposure Days and the Exposure amount.

Additionally the checkbox was added to the Exposure details on the cargo form as well so that users can de-select this on trades that they do not want to split.

The primary purpose of this split route exposure is to be able to properly capture the exposure of vessels that do not fit into a specific class or type against the indices for the correct amounts.

Story EN-33665


Berth Scheduling VIP Only

If barges are filled out in the BL Info tab of a voyage, they will now be visible in Berth Scheduling tool.

Story EN-34601


Operations VIP Only

Vessel Schedule now has an option to group by vessel.

Story EN-33467


Distances & Maps

New routing region was added to the distances preferences: LOWDRAFT-MOKPO.

Story EN-33029


Distances & Maps

New routing region was added to the distances preferences: CJK.

Story EN-30098



New configuration flag:

Name: Allocate Lumpsum Freight
Flag: CFGAllocateLumpsumFreight
Description: When enabled, cargoes which share the following properties will share their lumpsum freight, instead of each receiving the full amount: they are linked to the same booking; they are scheduled on the same voyage; they have the 'Use Booking Qty on Scale Table' checkbox checked, they are deriving lumpsum freight from the same scale table (either through Advanced Pricing or the classic Price Matrix). The amount allocated to each of the individual cargoes on the booking is proportional to the cargoes' individual BL quantities.
Data Type: Boolean
Default Value: N
Possible Values: Y, N

Story EN-28407



Resolved an issue where the Scheduling, Cargo Book, and Open Position workspaces did not load

Bug EN-35093



Fixed bug where form borders were hidden

Bug EN-35037


Data Center Settings

Previously, the Trade Areas form would not save. Now, this is no longer an issue.

Bug EN-34879


Demurrage & Claims

Previously, redundant Demurrage Time Bar Tasks were generated when having multiple cargos on a single port, This issue is now resolvd.

Bug EN-34488



Added fields for Estimated cargoes in Cargo Book.

Bug EN-34127


Distances & Maps

Daylight savings time for applicable ports in Australia has been adjusted to begin on the first Sunday in October, rather than the last Sunday.

Bug EN-29491


Data Center Settings

With CFGUseMultiOwners enabled, a toolbar button has been added in the Vessel form of the Data Center to manage vessel owner information for the vessel.

Bug EN-28890


Data Center Settings

The PD and XP days for the Panama Canal and Suez Canal were not being set to the system-wide routing preferences specified with the CFGRoutingPrefsVslCode flag. They now correctly show the values of the specified default vessel.

Bug EN-27157


Scheduling VIP Only

Prevent previous program filters from showing when switching to another program in the Scheduling Workspace.

Story EN-34997



The Remarks box in Estimates was insufficiently large to contain a client's comments. The box was resized from 256 to 512 characters to accommodate them. Requires database schema version 30.9 or higher.

Story EN-34366


Scheduling VIP Only

Add "Save Estimate" option to "Suggested Estimates" in the Cargo Book - Scheduling workspace.

Story EN-34312


Data Center Settings

Fixed an issue where multi-role address book entries with linked transactions could be deleted.

Bug EN-34032



In Pooling Distribution, fixed an issue where non-vessel items were not defaulting the Vessel value from the pool company.

Bug EN-34973


System Performance

An issue related to persistence of changed data within the selected field on the Remittance Information screen has been fixed.

Bug EN-34644


Scheduling VIP Only

Fix issue preventing hover card from loading on some rows in the Scheduling Open Position list.

Bug EN-34959



Added a Benchmark Estimate workflow to the TC Out contracts behind the CFGTCOutBallastExposureCapture and CFGEnableBenchmarkEstimate configuration flags. When enabled, a user will now have the ability to create a Benchmark TCTO estimate and link that to a TC Out contract. The Ballast days and bunkers will be automatically captured at the contract level from the Benchmark Estimate.

Story EN-33767

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