June 2021 Changelog
Demurrage & Claims
Fixed a regression which could prevent saving Laytime Calculations for non-mirrored cargoes if CFGEnableInvoiceMirroring is enabled.
Bug EN-37739
Distances & Maps
The LOWDRAFT-HARINGVLIET region was added to distances. This region is disabled for routing by default.
Bug EN-36850
Messaging Service
Before, tcoDate appeared in an outbound Voyage's XML notification but not its XML schema definition. It has now been added to the schema definition.
Bug EN-37362
Data Center Settings
Adds CFGAutoAssignOtherAgent, which sets a default Other Agent for a port added to an itinerary if there is an agent that services that port.
Story EN-36636
Invoice Calc Due Date column in Payables and Receivables list is now calculated runtime for both Freight and Claim invoices basis selected payment term.
In addition, Due Date Calculated field in the Operations invoice table in Report Designer does the same.
All calculations for this date are now consistent across invoice programs and reporting.
Users should use filters when selecting this calculated date field/column in reporting to improve performance.
Story EN-36270
Demurrage & Claims
On mirrored demurrage invoices for freight contracts on which the external-facing commission is internally mirrored as address commission, the address commission line-item in the mirrored invoice would incorrectly reflect the address commission of the externally-facing contract, leading to discrepancies between the "Actual" and "Posted" columns in voyage P&L. Now, the address commission on the mirrored demurrage invoices will be recalculated when the original laytime calculation is saved based on the consolidated address commission of the internally-mirrored freight contracts.
Bug EN-35300
Demurrage & Claims
The "Total" aggregation field under the Claim's Related Invoices table has been separated into two fields named "Total Revenue (Base)" and "Total Expense (Base)" that represent the sum of the base amounts of both Revenue and Expense Type Invoices.
Bug EN-37302
6-29-2021, k8s-6-29-2021
Trade Hub VIP Only
It is now possible to open the Vessel Valuation form directly from Trade Hub. When a single vessel is selected, click the "Open Valuation" option in the Action dropdown to open a new valuation form with the selected vessel added to the vessels grid. When multiple vessels are selected in the grid view, click the "Open Valuation" button above the grid to open a new valuation form with all selected vessels added to the vessels grid. This functionality is available in both Market Insights and Action Cargoes Results. All selected vessels must exist in the system.
Story EN-36511
The Department field is now supported on all forms and list filters for TC Payments, TC Billing, Bareboat Payments, and Equipment Payments.
Story EN-35804
Distances & Maps
New port added: Alba Marina FSO (Italy)
Story EN-37652
Distances & Maps
Improved routing between Zhoushan and Osumi Strait, south of Japan
Bug EN-37649
Distances & Maps
New port added: US Gulf Border
Story EN-37643
LOB, Vessel Code, Vessel Name, Vessel Fleet, and Ops Coordinator columns are now available in the Create TC Invoices List.
Story EN-36578
Fixed bug relating to Cargo status colors not appearing the cargo book
Bug EN-36285
After this fix, changing settlement rate of a given subset symbol of a bunker (e.g. SPO10GO) should not wipe out the future rate of the superset symbol bunker (SPO10GOM).
Bug EN-34122
Previously, when using routing to change ports that have standard expenses on an estimate, the standard expense would be added to the previous port instead of being removed. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-26415
In Port Expense Search, fixed an issue where base currency may not be properly displayed on some records.
Bug EN-24254
Operations VIP Only
Restored the column filtering feature to schedule grids.
Bug EN-37629
Distances & Maps
Corrected coordinates for port Grand Couronne (France)
Story EN-37620
P&L & Accruals
When the CFGEnableVoyageMarketValue is enabled, the Market Result Out result will now show first on the Voyage P&L with the Market Result In displaying second. Additionally, the default Correlation (Corr.) value has been changed from 0 to 1.
Story EN-36631
Distances & Maps
New port added: Saglek Bay (Canada)
Story EN-37601
Messaging Service
Autovsl now updates "Rejected" flag.
Bug EN-36203
Demurrage & Claims
A recent change to the Claims List to more consistently populate cargo-related fields has been reverted due to performance concerns.
Bug EN-37577
Distances & Maps
Updated Time Zone "IQ" for ports to not observe daylight savings (Iraq's time zone will always be +3)
Story EN-37511
Fixed an issue where the cargo grid in estimator could become unresponsive.
Bug EN-37561
Demurrage & Claims
Previously, Demurrage Time Bar Tasks would not automatically link to Laytime Calculations when the CFGUseCargoCounterpartyInTimeBarTask flag was enabled. This is now fixed.
Bug EN-34618
Scheduling VIP Only
Fixed a bug in scheduling hover cards where sometimes the same cargo would show multiple times.
Bug EN-34497
Supported Scrubbers and Fuel Zone Name columns have been added to Ports list in VIP.
Fuel Zone Name values calculated dynamically, so using list filters to limit the number of ports searched is recommended.
Story EN-36939
Tooltips have been added to the broker grid in the Timecharter workspace.
Story EN-36776
Analytics VIP Only
Now users with Dashboards permission are able to connect their own Power BI account in "My Profile" panel.
Story EN-35581
Chartering VIP Only
Fixed an issue where using the "Routing" form in conjunction with ECA/Piracy routing could result in a workspace timeout.
Bug EN-37487
When copying an Estimate in which the vessel is routed via the Cape of Good Hope, the resulting copy would sometimes include a longer route than necessary. The shortest route is now used in all cases.
Bug EN-36413
P&L & Accruals
There was a bug in IMOS that would result in previously invoiced address commission to show up again in payment program if beneficiary on the TC contract has changed.
This bug has been fixed.
Bug EN-37436
Before, Laytime Claims with multiple cargos having the same counterparty were missing fields, such as Cargo Group and Cargo LOB, in the Claim List. Now these fields are populated with the information of the first cargo associated with the first Itinerary line in the Laytime Calculation.
Bug EN-37026
The Time Charter Invoice List now includes Bareboat payments.
Story EN-36575
This case requested that the P&L be zero'ed out in estimates which are missing specific data points, or are failing specific internal checks.
We have now added a config flag (CFGVoyestCriteriaForZeroProfit) to support this behavior. The flag accepts a comma-separated list of tags.
Valid values and meanings for the tags are:
* BunkerError - A fuel type is used in the calculation with price zero
* DWTError - The quantity of cargo on board exceeds the calculated max lift quantity for an itinerary line
* DischGreaterThanLoad - The discharge quantity is greater than the loaded quantity
* LDRatesMissing - Load/Discharge rates are missing
* LDQtyMismatch - Load quantity does not match Discharge quantity
* CPQtyMismatch - Min/Max CP quantity does not match load/discharge quantities
* PortExpMissing - Port Expenses are missing in ports with functions D/F/I/L
Story EN-36519
Using tab to navigate over the freight type fields in an estimate will now work as intended when freight type is "W" or "A".
Bug EN-35574
In mirrored TCOV/RELT voyages, internal demurrage invoices would incorrectly inherit bank remittance information from the source invoice's paying counterparty’s. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-27152
Trade Hub VIP Only
It is now possible to filter the Action Cargoes list so that only buy cargoes or only sell cargoes are displayed. Whether the given contract is a buy or sell can also be displayed on both the list card and cargo details panel by adding the new "Buy/Sell" field.
Story EN-36883
There was a bug in FFA Daily Report that would list market prices for obsolete 4TC_P (Panamax) and TC_H (Handysize) routes instead of current 5TC_P and TC_H38
The bug has been fixed. In addition the index route names have been added to the report column headers.
Bug EN-36890
Added grouping logic in the Trading P&L Summary for when CFGAddChildCargoCOAStructure is enabled. A new grouping option has been added for Child Contracts. When the Parent and Child contract grouping are both selected then the full structure of a COA can be seen in the Trading P&L Summary.
Story EN-36792
There was a bug in IMOS that would allow you to delete port disbursement with rebillable expense line items after Rebill Claim was created. This bug has been fixed and user is required to delete rebill first before such port disbursement can be deleted.
Bug EN-26814
Financials And Operations Invoice Notes table has been added to the Report Designer.
A join to this table has been added to Operations Invoice and Financials Invoice tables - so that user can now report on all invoice-related notes in both.
Story EN-25639
Distances & Maps
Added new port: Nakpo (South Korea)
Story EN-37421
Trade Hub VIP Only
Previously, the delete menu option in the Vessel Valuation form would only delete the vessels and price component data associated with that valuation. Now selecting this option deletes the valuation.
Bug EN-36834
Previously, tooltips were inadvertently removed from the TC and Bareboat Invoice forms' item selection fields. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-37389
Analytics VIP Only
The Microsoft PowerBI account can now be managed in the Datacenter Settings form.
Story EN-37070
Trans No. field in Accounting Interface Summary table in Report Designer is now a hyperlink that can be used to open a posted transaction in TDE form.
Story EN-35927
Previously, generated XML from incremental demurrage invoice didn't have "invoiceCargoinfo" tag for all types of cargo information, this has been fixed.
Bug EN-35531
List columns' headings for P&L related columns in Trading contracts lists have been changed to make it clear that values come from the latest trading P&L snapshot.
Bug EN-34132
Trade Hub VIP Only
Previously, a vessel position would display in the Action Cargoes Results map if that position was within 2000 nautical miles of the load port *or* was within the selected region filters, and if the vessel could meet the laycan for the selected cargo. Now, if region filters are applied, a vessel position will display in the map if the position is within 2000 nautical miles of the load port *and* is in every selected region, and if the vessel can meet the laycan for the selected cargo.
Bug EN-36432
In Bareboat Payment, fixed an issue where hire could not be included in the invoice.
Bug EN-37380
Distances & Maps
New port added: "New York Anchorage (Non ECA)", United States
Story EN-37316
P&L & Accruals
Previously, an issue prevented invoicing of Lumpsum Off Hire address commissions when the address commission was not originally included in a Time Charter Out Bill. This issue has been fixed.
Bug EN-36471
In Voyage Manager reports, fixed an issue where bunker performance metrics could be inaccurate if the given voyage has a single scheduled cargo with a linked Initial Estimate.
Bug EN-35455
Previously, the dropdowns for selecting COA Planning Periods were sorted in ascending order. They are now sorted in descending order.
Story EN-35294
Payment terms code containing "%" character led to crash when using it in operations invoices. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-37330
Distances & Maps
- Renamed port Sendai to Sendaishiogama and fixed UN Code to be JPSGM
- Updated port Shiogama to have correct UN Code JPSHX
- Added new port: Satsumasendai (Japan) with UN Code JPSEN
Bug EN-37258
6-9-2021, k8s-6-9-2021
Trade Hub VIP Only
If the CFGEnableBenchmarkEstimate flag is set and a cargo using the "Benchmark Estimate" Exposure Method is selected in Action Cargoes, it is possible to import that cargo, along with a selected vessel, into a new estimate using the benchmark estimate as a template. The resulting estimate is identical to the estimate created when selecting the "Add Cargo to New Estimate from Benchmark" option in the VIP Cargo form, with the exception of the additional data imported from the selected vessel. It is also possible to create a new worksheet where each estimate is based on the benchmark estimate template.
To create a single estimate from the benchmark, select a vessel, and select the "Open Estimate from Benchmark" option in the "Open Estimate" dropdown in the vessel details panel. To create a worksheet, select multiple vessels and select the "Create New Worksheet from Benchmark" button that appears over the list. The option to create a new estimate / worksheet not from a benchmark is still available.
Additionally, if a vessel import API has been set up and a vessel not in the system is selected in either Market Insights or Action Cargoes Results, it is now possible to import the vessel by clicking the "Import Vessel" button in the vessel details side panel. It is not possible to create a new estimate using a vessel if that vessel is not in the system. After importing a new vessel, the page must be refreshed before it is possible to create a new estimate using that vessel.
Story EN-36069
Distances & Maps
New port added: Da Chan Bay (China)
Story EN-37306
In Voyage Estimator, fixed an issue where applying "Wait for Laycan" on an itinerary which uses the "M" port function could cause the application to become unresponsive.
Bug EN-37231
Berth Scheduling VIP Only
In Berth Scheduling Workspace, fixed a bug where moving a cargo handling between berths didn't update relevant port activities' berths.
Bug EN-37127
Users can now generate XML data for the Voyage PL summary reports.
Bug EN-36392
Scheduling VIP Only
Improved scheduling load time.
Bug EN-37194
Additional checks were added to block deletion of Ports currently in use by the system.
Bug EN-37187
In the past, when creating a new voyage, if the user changed the "Create From" field VIP failed to select and apply the appropriate Voyage Template. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-37129
Corrected behavior in the Time Charter’s XML export to now display the correct redelivery and start dates for the Lifting Options after a first option period has been exercised.
Bug EN-37008
The Short/Long value for a TC In contract will now be reflective of “Short” in the Trading P&L Summary when the contract is index-linked and the is scheduled on a voyage with a fixed contract on the revenue side. This requires CFGEnableVoyageMarketValue is enabled and the “Apply Market Value Concept” flag is selected on the Trading Profile.
Story EN-35949
In mirrored RELT voyages, fixed an issue where the port L/D terms on non-mirrored Cargo could be inadvertently replaced by the L/D terms of its linked intercompany VC In.
Bug EN-34147
Added improvements to minimize the chance of bunker inventories going out of sync in consecutive voyages.
Bug EN-31956
Distances & Maps
New port added: Cheng Shan Jiao (China)
Story EN-37257
Distances & Maps
Updated routing points near Winter South Atlantic and Winter North Pacific Seasonal Zones
Story EN-36523
After a Demurrage Commission invoice was posted through an invoiceImport XML file, users were prompted to create the same invoice again. As a fix, oprBillRef will need to be specified in the Commission invoice's XML (in the invoiceDetails section) now when posting it through autoinv, this should contain the Calculation ID of the Demurrage invoice for which the commission is being posted.
Bug EN-35962
Paper Trades/Bunker Swaps imported into IMOS through interface without proper counterparty type specified would cause issues.
Import data validation has been added to prevent this.
Bug EN-35080
Analytics VIP Only
An issue that previously affected Voyage Manager Invoice List export files now will no longer occur.
Bug EN-31748
Additional basis options have been added to Payment Terms setup in the VIP Data Center.
They can now be used when calculating Due Date in Freight, TC Payment, TC Commission and Claim Invoice programs as well as in the TDE when posting those invoices.
Story EN-24530
Trade Hub
Graphs in the Market Data Comparison workspace now scale appropriately in the vertical dimension based on the currently-displayed range of price data.
Story EN-36743
The crash upon certain invoice attempt to post has been fixed.
Bug EN-37218
Previously, when using the interface to import Bareboat payments, the invoice was not listed in the Bareboat Manager's Summary section, Transaction Summary or Payable Summary. This issue has been resolved.
Bug EN-37168
Trade Hub
A new field has been added to the Time Charter contract called "Valuation ID". It allows for linking a saved Vessel Valuation to a Time Charter contract.
The field will only be visible when CFGEnableVesselValuation is enabled along with either the Trade Hub or Trading & Risk module license.
Story EN-36819
Previously, there was an issue where the new bill's entry date was being stamped in local time zone instead of GMT. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-34270
P&L & Accruals
The issue where changing the Accrual % for an invoice through the Receivable Details form (accessed from Receivables Summary) was not reflecting in the P&L for other mirrrored invoices has been fixed.
Bug EN-25477
Distances & Maps
New port added: Kijing (Indonesia)
Story EN-37230
Data Center Settings
Fixed an issue with saving user-defined fields.
Bug EN-37209
With this fix, when posting FDA, all lines from PDA should be deducted including tax.
Bug EN-26515
After this fix CFGCurrenciesWithoutDigitsAfterDecimalSeparator config flag is respected such that decimal positions are suppressed.
Bug EN-37192
System Performance VIP Only
In the TC invoice forms, fixed an issue which could cause the workspace to time out when attempting to invoice contracts with complicated index-linked hire configurations.
Bug EN-37137
Previously, there was a issue when there are too many cargoes in a voyage, the extra freight terms would not be properly calculated in the freight invoice. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-36469
Receivables Summary list in Financials module did not show correct Cargo Coordinator value for booking-related demurrage invoices. This has been fixed.
Bug EN-25744