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Transformation file report2rdl.xsl is not found

FAQs > Error Messages > Transformation file report2rdl.xsl is not found

The Messaging Service is an additional solution and requires a separate license.

When running Scheduled Tasks through the Messaging Service, you may encounter the following errors:

Error styling report with report2rdl.xsl Transformation file report2rdl.xsl is not found.
Error: unable to create report RDL file.
IMOSERROR: datashed: Failed to output report "<ReportName>" to: Pdf.
IMOSERROR: datashed: Errors:Failed to initialize Report Viewer for Pdf output. Reference is null.

To resolve this issue, when running a Scheduled Task that generates PDF as an output, ensure that the working directory field in the configuration is left blank.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.