You can create a Demurrage Commission Payment that is separate from the Demurrage Invoice.
Freight-Relet Commission Summary
To open the Freight-Relet Commission Summary, on the Laytime Calculation, click Commission.
Related Configuration Flags
Freight Comm Based on Paid Amount CFGFreightCommBasedOnPaidAmount
Bases Freight and Demurrage Commission on the paid amount instead of the actual calculated amount.
Prompts to create Commission Invoices upon the payment of the invoice in the Transaction Data Entry, if the adjustments in the invoice are linked to the Cargo.
Adds a Deducted from Freight/Demurrage Payment check box to the Commission form. Select it to set the commission amount; the counterparty of the Commission Invoice is set to be the Charterer.
Adds a quick search Invoice(s) field below the Broker field to filter the values that appear in the Invoice(s) column in the grid below.
Default Unactual CFGDefaultUnactual
When enabled, the status of a newly created Bunker, Freight, Equipment, Hire, and Commission invoice is set to Pending by default.
Auto Generate Demurrage Comms CFGAutoGenerateDemComms
Note: Requires CFGAutoNumberPayables to also be enabled.
When enabled, demurrage commission invoices will automatically be created when the corresponding demurrage invoice has been posted.
Auto Number Payables CFGAutoNumberPayables
Automatically assigns an invoice number to AP invoices.
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