When should the “In Transit” option be used in a noon report?
What does "In Transit“ mean?
In the Veson IMOS Platform and in common shipping practice, the time the vessel spends passing a canal is called "transit“. The Veson IMOS Platform allows you to include "In transit“ time in the voyage itinerary as well as in laytime calculations when that is necessary.
"In Transit“ in the Noon Report.
The Master sends out a Noon Report every day and there is an “In Transit” option in the Veson IMOS Platform Noon Report form, as shown hereunder:

Consider the following sequence in an itinerary: Load port A, navigating a passage/ canal B, and discharge port C.
The “In transit” option would be used in a noon report while the vessel is navigating the passing point or canal B, whereas the option "At Sea“ is used when the vessel is navigating in the open sea from port A to port B.

Can I disable the "In Transit“ option?
To disable the “In transit” option in a noon report, enable the "Hide In Transit location option“ in the setting of the relevant form group(s).