Why Are My Bunker Prices So Low On Consecutive Voyages?
Check to make sure that there are no Duplicate Bunker Liftings for on the Voyages.
It is possible for vessels to send in multiple Bunker Lifting Veslink Forms for the same Bunker Lifting. If multiple Bunker Lifting Veslink Forms are sent in and approved, and the calculation method is set to "Averageā, the Veson IMOS Platform will take the average price from those forms and apply it.
For Example: If two Bunker Liftings are sent in for the same Bunker Qty, but one form has the price set to zero, then the Voyage will calculate it as the average between the two prices.
This can have major PnL impacts on Voyages, particularly on Consecutive Voyages. When Voyages are consecutive, The End Qty and End Price of the previous voyage then become the Initial Qty and Initial Price of the following voyage.
As such, if the Bunker Prices are significantly lower on one voyage, and the issue occurs again on the Consecutive Voyage, the average price will then drop exponentially lower.
It is very important to ensure that all Bunker Liftings are checked and that all relevant information is filled out correctly. Any duplicates should be deleted unless there is a specific business reason for why it was submitted in the first place.