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Why isn't the Help Bot working? When I click on the Help Bot icon nothing happens.


If you click on the Help Bot icon and nothing happens, you may have pop-ups disabled, or have a pop-up blocker on.

We recommend either enabling pop-ups in your browser, or disabling any pop-up or ad blockers you may have installed on your browser.

Why should I allow pop-ups?

The Help Bot contains links out to the Help Center, walkthroughs for new features, and the monthly “What’s New” releases announcement. By allowing pop-ups in the IMOS platform, you’ll be able to stay up to date on product changes and access educational resources and product help guides.

Disable pop-up blocker


To allowlist IMOS Platform in the AdBlock extension:

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of your browser extension, select the AdBlock icon. A number icon may be covering the AdBlock icon.

  2. Select Don’t run on pages on this site.

  3. In the “Don’t run AdBlock on” dialog, select Exclude. The AdBlock icon will change to Allowed.

  4. Reload the page.

AdBlock Plus

To allowlist IMOS Platform in the Adblock Plus extension:

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of your browser extension, select the Adblock Plus icon. A number icon may be covering the Adblock Plus icon.

  2. Select the power icon so that it slides left.

  3. Reload the page.

uBlock Origin

To allowlist IMOS Platform in the uBlock Origin extension:

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of your browser extension, select the uBlock Origin icon. A number icon may be covering the uBlock Origin icon.

  2. Select the blue power button icon. The icon will turn gray indicating that pop-ups aren’t blocked anymore on this site.

  3. Reload the page.

Enable pop-ups in your browser

If you don’t have a pop-up blocker, you may need to allow pop-ups in your browser. You can find instructions below on how to do that for your browser.


How to allow pop-ups in Chrome


How to allow pop-ups in Edge


How to allow pop-ups in Safari


How to allow pop-ups in Firefox

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.