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IMOS X - In-App Help

Fin, Intercom’s generative AI tool, is tailored to enhance support within Veson Nautical solutions. Leveraging state-of-the-art natural language processing, Fin helps maritime professionals navigate complex workflows, troubleshoot issues, and quickly access real-time information. Integrated seamlessly into Veson Nautical environments, Fin is equipped to understand the specialized terminology and processes unique to maritime shipping and fleet management.

By delivering instant, context-aware responses, Fin ensures users can resolve inquiries faster, reducing downtime and enhancing operational efficiency. Fin’s 24/7 availability supports users across time zones, making it an invaluable asset for Veson Nautical’s global client base. With Fin, customer support teams can streamline operations while delivering accurate, timely solutions, ensuring users can focus on optimizing their maritime operations.

Fin is available to all users.

Ask Fin a question

  1. To launch Fin, click the following icon in the lower-left corner of the product:

IMOS X Support
  1. Select Send us a message. In the new window that appears, pose your question to Fin. You can use natural conversational language. If Fin does not understand the question, it will ask clarifying questions.

Give feedback

We encourage you to rate your interactions with Fin. After Fin delivers an answer, it asks for a rating of the answer provided. Please provide candid feedback, as this will help us improve Fin.


Access links and self-service resources

You can also access on-demand help resources, including links to Veson University and the Veson Status page.


This in-app technology is part of Veson Nautical solutions and cannot be tailored on a per-user basis or hidden entirely. All end users will see in-app communications.

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