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PL for Principals - Vessel Specifications / Vessel Details

There are 2 ways to access the details about a vessel.

Vessel Specifications

When a vessel is highlighted in the position list you can use the shortcut “V” (for Vessel Specs) to view the following tabs


Lists all the vessels’ specifications.


Map showing current AIS position of the vessel and the port the vessel is open in.


Questionnaire Q88 of the vessel along with other ship related information.

AIS History:

History of all port calls for the vessel.


List of all the ships in the current vessels’ fleet.

The Q88 Clients are responsible for updating changes to their vessels on but you have the option to make changes yourself which will then only be reflected in your own account. The only exception to this is the vessel’s name, fleet and head owner.

Vessel Details

You can also access a vessel’s details from the Action Menu on the top right side, select Vessel Details

Type in the Vessel Search field the vessel’s name or IMO nr and highlight the vessel to select it. The following tabs are available:

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