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How do I add / connect a mailbox to Shipfix?

Follow these steps to add your mailbox to Shipfix:

  1. Open settings menu


  2. Click on " ✉️ Mailboxes":


  3. Click on "Add Inbox" :


  4. then add the mail account via Single Sign-On.

    This option is typically available if you work with a Microsoft and Google mail setups and allows you to add an email account rapidly and securely via a protocol controlled by your mail provider.

    Sign in with Microsoft or Sign in with Google and follow the instructions from either of these:


Alternatively: Configure your account manually by setting up IMAP and SMTP details for your account


Please note that for performance and security reasons, we strongly advise you to connect to a new inbox using Single Sign-on where it is available.

If the above solutions don't help, please don't hesitate to contact the platform's support for further assistance at


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