Veslink - Sending PDF/XML on Veslink Form Notifications to Agents
Veslink standardizes voyage communications to help you collect and analyze current positions and other critical voyage data and share information with a network of trusted partners.
To include PDF or XML type on Veslink form notifications upon sending, make sure to change it in Edit Sharing To Others on the Shared Information option of the Network tab on Veslink.
Changes made to Edit Default Sharing will work only for new voyages (not voyages that are already commenced).

To receive XML/PDF, make changes to Default Sharing for new voyages and Sharing To Others for current and existing voyages.
If XML is only selected, both XML and PDF copies will be included in the email.
The agent/partner needs to be set up as Third Party Company in order to have the option to share XML/PDFs.
Sharing XML/PDFs to many emails
In order to receive XMLs or PDFs to many email addresses, make sure to follow the steps below:
Enter two or more email addresses separated by commas in the Default Sharing (Network tab in Veslink).
Enter the same email addresses in the Partner’s Company Profile under Notifications.