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Set Up 2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

What is two factor authentication?


The rudimentary ‘username and password’ approach to security is simple and susceptible to attack. Logins can be compromised and private data (such as personal and financial details) are under increasing threat.

In order to secure your online experience, VesselsValue has implemented Two Factor Authentication, also known as 2FA. This provides another layer of security, supplementing the username and password model with a code that only a specific user has access to, typically sent to something they have immediately to hand (such as an application installed on a smartphone, or via a desktop application). The application of your choice will generate a six digit code to enter when you log in.

Is it safe?

As passwords become more complex, the tendency to reuse or write down a password that is intended to be secure increases. This carries with it the risk that someone may be able to learn your password to access the VV website indirectly. Securing your account with 2FA ensures that simply knowing your username and password isn't enough for someone to breach your account, improving your security. Of course, no system is 100% secure; an insecure device if lost or stolen can provide access no matter how secure we make this process. Prior to implementing 2FA, we recommend that you secure your personal devices with a suitable password lock to prevent your account information falling into unintended hands if it is lost or stolen.

How to set up 2FA

Step 1: Choose your device

Firstly, you will need to decide what kind of device you will use when accessing 2FA codes.

The options are below:

  • iOS: For iPhones and iPads

  • Android: For any Android based phone or tablet such as Samsung, Sony, Huawei, Nokia and some new Blackberry devices.

  • Other: For any smartphone or tablet not covered above, including desktop, laptop or tablet PCs, Mac OS and tablets.

Step 2: Installing the authenticator

Next, you will need to install an authenticator application on your chosen device.

We recommend one of the below:

  • iOS

    • Microsoft Authenticator (via Apple App Store)

    • Google Authenticator (via Apple App Store)

  • Android

    • Microsoft Authenticator (via Google Play)

    • Google Authenticator (via Google Play)

If you choose to use a different application, it will need to support Time based One Time Password authentication (TOTP).

Please note that the developers of these applications are not affiliated or associated with VesselsValue, and the use of these applications is subject to the individual terms and conditions of the software, not those of VesselsValue.

Step 3: Add an account to the app

Once installed, you will need to add an account to the application. You are looking for a ‘+’ button, or ‘Add Account’.

A unique QR code will be displayed on your computer along with a 16 digit code. Please do not scan the picture below, each QR code is unique for you only.

  • If you are setting up a smartphone or table, you can use your device’s camera to scan the QR Code which is uniquely generated for you.

  • Otherwise, you will need to enter the 16 digit code using the ‘Enter code manually’ option

A generic example of how the QR code or 16 digit code will be presented to you

A generic example of how the QR code or 16 digit code will be presented to you

Step 4: Enter your verification code

Once your account is set up with the authenticator app, it will display a 6 digit code that will change every 30 seconds. Enter this code into the setup box and press ‘Validate’.

An example of the screen where you will be asked to input your 6 digit code

An example of the screen where you’ll be asked to input your 6 digit code.

Step 5: Success

You should now be logged into your VV account. Now your account is set up, future logins will only require the 6 digit verification code.

Something went wrong?

In the unlikely event that the above process does not work, you can still access your account via a code sent to your email address associated with your VV account.

Click on the ‘Alternative code by email’ link below the ‘Validate’ button. You will receive an email which contains a six digit code which you can use in place of the normal app generated code.

Emailed codes:

  • Must be used within one hour of being requested

  • Will only work once

  • May only be used by the person whose email address is requesting the code.

How do I move 2FA to a new device?

Note: You must have access to the email address associated with your VV login in order to follow this process.

This process may be used at any point to deactivate your existing application setup and to link a new one (which may be a new ‘account’ in the same application).

Step 1: Log into VV

Log in to your account using your username and password as normal, and then go through the 2FA verification.

Note, if your normal device has been lost or stolen, we recommend you use the ‘Alternative code by email’ option

Step 2: Go to Account Settings

Once logged in, you will need to navigate to the user icon in the main navigation Example of the account dropdown icon placement in the main navigation on the VesselsValue website and select the option ‘Account Settings’ from the drop down.

Account settings location within the account dropdown

Account settings location within the account dropdown

Scroll to the bottom of this page where you find “Two Factor Authentication Reset”.

Location of the Two Factor Authentication Reset section in the Account Settings page

Location of the Two Factor Authentication Reset section in the Account Settings page

Select the ‘Reset’ button to confirm which will send an email to the email address associated with your VV account. This action will log you out of VV for security reasons.

Step 3: Confirm the reset request

When you have received the confirmation email, click on the link provided in the email. If you did not request a token reset, please contact VV and we can investigate.

Example of 2FA reset email

Example of 2FA reset email

Step 4: Log back into VV

You will now need to log back into VV using your username and password and when prompted, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the previous section of this document, ‘How to Set Up 2FA’.

Contact Us

If you require further assistance or have any questions, please contact Account Management who can assist you.

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