VMS - Other Payables Invoices
Aside from the Freight Invoices, you can also find other Payable invoices.
In a spot voyage, for example, click the Revenue button. In the pop-up window, select the Add button in the invoice area and then select Payable.

You will find the following Payables:
Expenses: In this category, you will be able to view expenses such as Bunkers, ETS costs, Guards expenses, etc. Select the item for which you need to create an invoice and proceed.

Commission: In this area, the commissions expenses will be displayed per the agreement. To create an invoice, you will need to select which one you need and proceed accordingly.
Stem: The expenses from the Stem that took place in the voyage will be displayed here.
Select the checkbox next to the grade’s stem and create an invoice.
*How to generate two separate payable invoices, one for the bunker costs and one for the delivery costs, for a single bunker stem
Record on the bunker stem, just the cost of the bunkers, not the delivery. Invoice that piece using the Payable invoices section and then create a Miscellaneous (or Bunker) expense for the Delivery cost and invoice that one separately. The biggest con to this approach is that VMS will not calculate the Delivery cost into the $/mt cost of the bunkers when used in the FIFO for calculating the bunker consumption cost.
Alternatively, record both costs on the bunker stem section so the FIFO considers both. Do not invoice that stem and instead create 2 Miscellaneous (or Bunker) expenses one for each and invoice them separately.
Port: The last item displays the total costs per port. Select the relevant ports and create an invoice.
Description Rules:
If the expense item HAS a description and the Copy Description option is ON when creating the invoice, then VMS copies the description to the corresponding line item on the invoice page
If the expense item DOESN’T HAVE a description, then VMS copies the full amount into the description of the corresponding line item on the invoice page.