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VMS - Claims Management

This guide demonstrates how to access and edit claims. It applies to voyages where demurrage is due. We will follow the process of creating a new invoice.

  1. Click Revenue from the voyage screen. The above revenue screen shows a demurrage of $5000.00.

  1. Click Add under the invoice screen to create a new invoice.

  1. Click Create Invoice, and check the Demurrage box to include this line item in the new invoice.

  1. The invoice screen will load the newly created invoice and provide a hyperlink to Claims Management. Click Save Invoice to access the claims management.

  1. Clicking Claims Management brings up the screen above, where you can select a phase and a reminder type from the drop-down menu. Select the Phase and Reminder applicable and set a reminder date. Add remarks if required. You can then email or save the claim.


Now, the claims management field will display the newly created claim.

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