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VMS - Fuel Swap

The Fuel Swap functionality was created to allow multiple assessments to evaluate and compare which fuel grade is best to use to either allow for a lower cost of fuel but a higher penalty or a lower penalty but higher cost of fuel.

Swap Grades

Select Bunkers on the Voyage Page


Select the Leg and the Fuel that you would like to override


Switch to

  • Different Grade – allows the grade to be used in place of the original grade. Consumption will be updated for the leg

On this leg

  • Always

  • Only when the original runs out nothing will happen unless the original grade fuel is used up onboard. If the original fuel runs out, the remaining consumption is transferred to the selected override grade


Apply to remaining legs

  • This will apply the same override option to all the subsequent legs in the voyage.


  • Disable the override option selected and restore to the original fuel grade

When a change is made on a grade at the leg level, there will be an asterisk displayed

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