FAQs > Configuration Flags > CFGChartererView
This article provides the following information about this configuration flag:
Charterer View
Uses the Charterer's view instead of the standard Cargo form. When enabled:
When a voyage is scheduled using Cargo as the source, the Opr Type on the Create New Voyage form defaults according to the Counterparty on the Cargo contract. If the Counterparty is an Owner, the Opr Type is SPOT, otherwise it is TCOV or OVOV depending on the Ownership field on the vessel. Opr Type can be changed, and if the selected type is incompatible with the Cargo counterparty, the Counterparty column in the Voyage Manager Cargoes grid is cleared.
All noncoload Cargoes in a voyage synchronize to have the same CP Date and CP Terms Details form.
A Supplier/Rcvr column appears on the Cargo Booking and VC In Booking forms.