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IMOS - Configuration Flag List

The information on this page is for Veson IMOS Platform administrators only. You must have the Configuration Flags Module Right selected, under Quick Links in the Data Center.

The Configuration Flag List contains all standard configuration flags. Even if a flag was not explicitly set in the past, it appears with its Default Value, if applicable.

To access this list, do one of the following:

  • On the main menu 

    , under Data Center, click Settings.

  • In the Data Center module, click 


  • In the Settings workspace, click 

    at the top right.

Activating a Flag

When a newly developed flag is released and/or an existing default flag does not exist in the configuration flag list, the user may add it by clicking the add icon (+).

Upon clicking the add icon, a panel on the right side will be expanded where the user may type the flag in the given text box. If the flag is available, fields Name, Value, Default, and Description will automatically be populated.

Once the configuration is done, the user may click SAVE.

As with any other list, you can search, select, adjust, pin, filter, group, and sort columns, reset to the default view, save user views, and export.

Editing a Flag

To view the details of a configuration flag or change its value, click its row to open the Configuration Flag Editor panel. Change the flag's Value and then click Save.

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