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IMOS - Menus

The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.

Walkthrough: Basic Concepts

These breadcrumbs show where you are in the walkthrough. To move to a different section, click its link:

Menus > Search > ModulesWorkspaces > PanelsKeyboard Shortcuts > Accessing Help

Note: You might not see all the buttons and options shown here; what you see is based on the access rights granted by your administrator.

The following menu types appear to help you navigate through the Veson IMOS Platform:

You can navigate through menus using keyboard shortcuts.

Tutorial: Navigating with Menus

Note: This tutorial is a GIF, which plays on a loop and does not include any audio narration. To restart the tutorial, refresh this page. To expand the tutorial, click it.

Main Menu

To access modules and workspaces, to open or close the main menu, click 

 at the top left.

Secondary Menus

To open or close a secondary menu with links to additional workspaces, on the main menu, click 


To open any workspace, click its link.

Quick links to the main workspaces in the module (those with buttons) appear under their module names. To access a main workspace, click its link or its button (for example, Estimates or image-20241219-081741.png).

To access help or for more information, click image-20241219-081950.png at the bottom of the left screen.


Toolbars appear at the top of many forms. To perform an action, open a related form, or run a report, click its button.

When the browser window is too small for all the tools to fit, a menu button ... appears; click it to select more tools.

Creating, Retrieving, Saving, Copying, and Deleting Records

These common tools appear on many forms:

Column Heading Menus

On a list or grid, each column heading includes a menu; on a schedule, the first column heading includes a menu. To access it, hover over the right edge of the column heading and then click 

 when it appears.

The menu can have tabs:

  •  Quick filter

  •  Menu

Line Item Menus

Line items in some lists and grids include menus. To access a menu, do one of the following:

  • Right-click the row.

  • Where applicable, click ... on the left end of a row.

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