How does loaded and discharged LNG cargo impact Voyage Bunker Expenses?
Some clients load, transport, and discharge LNG as cargo while also consuming LNG on the same voyage when loading, sailing, discharging, and performing other in-port activities.
Regardless of which Bunker Calculation Method being used (FIFO, LIFO, AVE, TBM), the m3 quantity of LNG that is loaded and discharged will not impact the Voyage Bunker Expenses calculations for consumption or price of Voyage End Bunkers since it is not actively being consumed.
The m3 quantities that will be allocated to the voyage as expenses will be the initial quantities from voyage commencement and burning of any additional LNG excluded from the loaded/discharged quantities.
For more information on bunker expense allocation, please reference the IMOS - Allocating Expenses to a Voyage article found in the Veson IMOS Platform - Operations section of the Knowledge Base.