IMOS - Accounting Date Defaults
You can set up accounting date defaults using the following methods:
Use no default accounting date
When the configuration flag CFGActNoDefaultAccountingDate is enabled, the accounting date will not have a default value when you post invoices and journals. This flag takes precedence over all other accounting date default configuration flags including CFGActDefaultPeriodJournalsAccountingDateToInvoiceDate and CFGActDefaultAccountingDateToInvoiceDate.
Use the invoice date as the default accounting date
You can enable the configuration flag CFGActDefaultPeriodJournalsAccountingDateToInvoiceDate to set the invoice date as the accounting date of period journals. This flag will have no effect if CFGActNoDefaultAccountingDate is enabled.
You can enable the configuration flag CFGActDefaultAccountingDateToInvoiceDate to set the invoice date to the accounting date. This flag will have no effect if CFGActNoDefaultAccountingDate is enabled. This flag takes precedence over CFGPromptActDateInInvoiceBulkPosting.
Use the last approval date as the default accounting date for invoices
You can change the accounting date to the invoice’s final approval date by default when the configuration flag CFGDefaultAccountingDateToFinalApprovalDate is enabled. This will only work if invoice approvals are in use otherwise the accounting date will default to today. If CFGActNoDefaultAccountingDate or CFGActDefaultAccountingDateToInvoiceDate are enabled, this configuration flag will have no effect.
Hierarchy of accounting date configuration flags

Troubleshooting & FAQs
Account Date is missing message
If you see the error message “Account date is missing,” the configuration flags you have set are in conflict with each other. You may have the following combination of flags causing the error:
If you enable CFGActNoDefaultAccountingDate and CFGActDefaultAccountingDateToInvoiceDate or CFGDefaultAccountingDateToFinalApprovalDate (for invoices), or CFGActDefaultPeriodJournalsAccountingDateToInvoiceDate (for journals), then the first flag causes the date to default to blank, and the latter two (individually) will suppress the pop-up to enter an accounting date on bulk post. Since you can't enter the accounting date, the invoice will not post.
What if users should be prompted to enter an accounting date when bulk posting?
Enable the configuration flag CFGPromptActDateInInvoiceBulkPosting, and users will always be prompted to enter an accounting date when bulk-posting invoices. This flag will have no effect if CFGActDefaultAccountingDateToInvoiceDate or CFGDefaultAccountingDateToFinalApprovalDate are enabled. If CFGActDefaultPeriodJournalsAccountingDateToInvoiceDate is enabled, the date entered in the prompt will not be used for Monthly Accruals journals or for Voyage Period journals.