The Veson IMOS Platform is the market-leading cloud solution for commercial marine freight and fleet management.
Note: You must have the configuration flagCFGEnableCargoBooking set to N.
After Cargoes are created, you can update many of their fields in bulk.
Do one of the following:
On the Cargo List or VC In List, select check boxes for the contracts you want to update and then click the Bulk Update action link at the top of the page.
On the Cargo COA or VC In COA > Click on the Linked Liftings tab > Click .
Update any of the available fields on the Bulk Cargo Update window.
3. After you click Update, you will be given an option to open the Bulk Cargo Update Report. If the contract is mirrored, any updates to the contract will also update the mirrored contract(s).
Related Configuration Flags
Default Cargo Status CFGDefaultCargoStatus
Sets the default status of the linked liftings. If set to 1 when the user does not have rights to edit confirmed cargoes, the Status on the Create Cargo/VC In Setup form is set to Inquiry.
Confirm Linked Liftings Via COA CFGConfirmLinkedLiftingsViaCOA
Updates the status of the linked liftings from their current state (for example, Default) to Confirmed once the status of the parent COA is changed from Pending to Confirmed.
New Firm Lifting on Exercise CFGNewFirmLiftingOnExercise
Setting a Cargo Option Status to Exercised will automatically create a new Cargo (a copy of the Option Cargo), with the Option check box cleared and the status of the system default, set by config flag CFGDefaultCargoStatus. Saving this Cargo will decrease the number of optional liftings in the COA by one and increase the number of firm liftings by one.
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