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IMOS - Bunker Curve Parameters

You can include Bunker Curve Parameters in the calculation of fuel consumption for LNG vessels.

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. On the Bunker Curve Parameters form, complete the following fields:

  3. To modify a Fuel Type or Group:

    1. Select the Calc check box.

    2. If you want to modify LNG, make sure the Generate LNG rates from FOE check box is cleared.

    3. Ballast and Laden Coefficients C and B are specified based on charter party vessel conditions; specify new values.

  4. To recalculate the Speed Consumption Table, click OK.

    • When the table recalculates, rows that do not match speeds calculated based on Speed From, Speed To, and Step are deleted.

    • For each modified Fuel Type or Group, consumption rate = C*EXP(B*speed).

    • When the Generate LNG rates from FOE check box is selected, LNG consumption rate = C*EXP(B*speed)/FOE Conversion.

Related Configuration Flags


For LNG vessels, relates to the calculation of the amount of IFO (or other designated "FOE" fuel type) needed in order to accelerate to a given speed higher than the NBOG speed when in dual-fuel mode. When this config flag is enabled, this amount is calculated as the difference between (a) the IFO consumption at actual speed and (b) the FOE equivalent of the LNG consumption at the NBOG speed. When this config flag is disabled or by default, this amount is calculated as the difference between (a) the IFO consumption at actual speed and (b) the IFO consumption at NBOG speed.

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