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IMOS - Creating a Cargo Relet

Home > Chartering > Creating a Cargo Relet

In the Veson IMOS Platform, follow the below step-by-step instructions to create a Cargo Relet:

Link a Cargo to a New VC In

Cargo Relet creates two back-to-back CPs in the Veson IMOS Platform:

  1. Open a Cargo contract.

  2. To relet the Cargo, on the toolbar, click Relet ▼ and then click Link to New VC In.

Review the VC In & Add to an Estimate

A new back-to-back VC In contract will be created with exactly the same details as the cargo details.

You need to perform the below steps:

  1. Specify the Owner that you relet the cargo to. Revise other details where necessary, for example, relet freight rate.

  2. Check that the Cargo ID field on this VC In is showing the original Cargo ID, meaning they are linked. 

  3. On the toolbar, click Estimate ▼ and then click Add Cargo to New Estimate to create a voyage estimate.

Schedule a Voyage from the Estimate

On the relet voyage estimate, there are two cargoes: one S (Sale) and one P (Purchase). The Profit and Loss are basically the difference between the S and P freights.

To schedule a voyage:

  1. Select the performing vessel.

  2. On the Estimate toolbar, click Schedule Voyage. This will result in a RELT voyage.

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