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IMOS - Including Laytime Invoices in a Freight Invoice

It is possible to include Demurrage and Despatch invoices in a Freight Invoice, with the following considerations:

  • Demurrage and Despatch invoices included in the Freight Invoice will be shown with Posted status in the voyage P&L.

    • The Demurrage invoice will only be considered posted to the financial ledger when the Freight Invoice is posted.

  • To include the Demurrage and Despatch invoice in a Freight Invoice, the Claim Status should be In Progress or Settled, and the invoice Status should be Actual.

Commissions for Included Demurrage

Scenario 1: Address Commission on Demurrage

  1. In CP Terms Details, when Address Commission for Demurrage is set to D (Demurrage is commissionable and will be deducted from the invoice), a Demurrage Add. Comm. item appears in the voyage P&L.

  2. When you include this demurrage in the Freight Invoice, set the Freight Adjustment's Commissionable to N; otherwise the commission will be double-counted against Demurrage.

Scenario 2: Address Commission on Freight for Demurrage

  1. In CP Terms Details, set the Address Commission for Demurrage to N (Demurrage is not commissionable).

  2. When you include this demurrage in the Freight Invoice, set the Freight Adjustment's Comissionable to Y. The Address Commission appears under Freight Add. Comm. in the voyage P&L.

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