Note: To access the Period Allocation form, the configuration flagCFGLaytimeEnablePeriodAllocation must be enabled.
After a Laytime Calculation has been saved, to view demurrage period allocation details, click Period Allocation.
Demurrage period allocation is based on the Apply Demurrage to PeriodP&L calculation option and Net Demurrage Days (Gross Less Deductions).
Related Configuration Flags
Enables you to enter allocation of demurrage by cargo handling and assign a root cause. This grid is similar to the one found in the Allocation form, but does not require the laytime calculation to be settled prior to use and will not drive the creation of journal entries.
Enables the Period Allocation form.
When the Apply Demurrage to PeriodP&L calculation option appears on a form, its effect depends on the values of this flag and CFGDefaultPnlCalcAdjustForDemurrageDays.
There are three possible values for CFGDefaultPnlCalcApplyDemurrage:
PRORATE: Demurrage is prorated based on voyage proration logic: Voyage Days in Period / Total Voyage Days. The Apply Demurrage to Period check box is cleared by default; if the check box is selected, the calculation logic for BYDAYS is applied.
FULL: The Apply Demurrage to Period check box is selected by default, and 100% of a demurrage amount is applied to the P&L reporting period.
BYDAYS: The Apply Demurrage to Period check box is selected by default, the amount of demurrage in the P&L reporting period is prorated. The prorata portion is calculated by the following logic: For each port call, Prorated Demurrage Amount = (Number of Demurrage Port Days within Period / Total Number of Demurrage Port Days in Voyage) × Demurrage Amount.
When the Apply Demurrage to PeriodP&L calculation option appears on a form, its effect depends on the values of this flag and CFGDefaultPnlCalcApplyDemurrage.
When enabled, CFGDefaultPnlCalcAdjustForDemurrageDays adjusts the portion percentage for other P&L items based on the demurrage days in the period.
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