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The Hire Statement for a Time Charter Out lists all the amounts invoiced or received; you can issue a bill from it. In order for a line item to appear in the Received section, a Payment/Receipt will need to be created in the Financial Invoice of the TC Out Bill. You can also view reports.
To view the TC Out Hire Statement, do one of the following:
To view a report, clickand then click a report name. You can view three reports that show Hire information in slightly different ways:
Hire Statement: Includes all the details of the contract so far: Gross Hire, Hire Commissions, Bunker Values, Owner's Expenses, Other Adjustments, and Payments. It also lists any inconsistent items. At the end of the contract, an owner might send the charterer the Hire Statement, showing the balance.
On a Hire Statement Report for bunker costs, the text refers to the entities as Charterer and Owner.
Configuration flagCFGTcItemsFlag enables you to print out, as both Outstanding Items and Inconsistent Items, certain TC items, including Rebill, ILOHC, and INTHC.
Statement of Account or Statement of Accounts (Detailed): Using the same categories, shows if there are outstanding amounts to be paid/received over a period in the TC that has already been invoiced/billed. The period is from the From date of the first hire/bill to the To date of the last hire/bill. The report calculates the amounts due to the owner/charterer basis the TC In/Out fixture terms and deducts the amounts invoiced or paid/received. A charterer might send this along with each payment. When this report is selected, the SoA Setup form appears, and uninvoiced items can be selected for inclusion.
SoA Recap: Includes all invoiced items, according to the corresponding categories. All invoices appear in the Payment section, including Pending invoices. The balance in the report is the balance of the Estimated Expenses entered in this contract.
Related Configuration Flags
Uses the Proj/Act Redelivery date on the Hire Statement, rather than the Est Redelivery date.
Enables bank selection when generating TC In, TC Out, and Bareboat Hire Statement reports.
Makes a Statement of Accounts (Detailed) option available in TC Hire Statement reports. Details of invoices related to the TC are exported to an XML file but not displayed in the UI.
When enabled, the full delay details are displayed in the adjustment section of the Hire Statement.
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