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IMOS - Voyage Report

The Voyage Report is a built-in Financials report

This report includes all financial transactions for the selected company and date range (accounting date), grouped by the transaction’s reference voyage. The report includes expenses or revenues for each transaction in separate columns and shows the grand total of all expenses and revenues. You can also filter the report for a specific vessel.

Report Options

FieldMandatory/OptionalDescriptionUse When?
Major CompanyMandatoryA Type W company from the Address Book; this field determines which transactions are included in the report.Always.
VesselOptionalA selection list of specific vessels to include.When you want to filter for a specific vessel.
Date From and Date ToOptionalThe date range, by which to filter report details based on transaction accounting date.When you want to specify the reporting period.
Voyage From and Voyage ToOptionalThe Voyage Number range for the transaction to include.When you want to filter for specific Voyage Numbers.
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