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IMOS - Statements - Financials Reports

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🔑 This is a Key Topic, with high value for all users.

To access the following reports, you must have their Module Rights selected, under Reports in Financials.

On the Financials menu

, under Statements, click a report name. When you run a report, buttons at the top right enable you to export it as an Excel or PDF document or Email as an attachment or in the body of the email.

The output of built-in reports has been formatted by Veson Nautical. These reports only work if you are posting Veson IMOS Platform invoices to the financial ledger. If your company does not post transactions, you will be unable to use these reports. If you want to create a custom report, use the Report Designer.

If there is no Company Information (Type W) record that matches the value of the configuration flag CFGCompanyCode, the Major Company will default to blank in the reports.



Account Analysis

This report includes a financial transactions summary for the specified range of accounts, dates, and various other filters such as vessel, voyage, vendor name, etc. Transactions are shown starting with a balance on the start date along with each transaction’s debit, credit, and running balance amounts. Transactions can be grouped by account, vessel, vendor, etc. The retained earnings balance is pulled forward. The Account Analysis is a view into the General Ledger, which is why you see the accounting sign convention. Based on the accounting convention for Assets, Liabilities, Revenues, and Expenses, the rule for increasing the account is +A, −L, −R, +E.

Accounts Payable / Receivable

This report includes a summary of all account payables/receivables with an outstanding balance. It also includes information on the invoice aging: the number of days the outstanding amount is overdue. For example, 0-30, 30-60, etc.

Cashflow Reports

This report includes the summary or details of payments for the specified company and account. The Bank Code selection corresponds to the Ledger Code that is set up in the Financials module under Bank Links. The report includes payment dates, the payee/payer name, amount debited/credited, and total debits, credits, and net cash flow for the specified period. Make sure you have correctly configured Bank Links before attempting to use this report.

Company Cashflow Statement

Similar to the Cashflow Reports, this report includes a detailed statement for the selected account, company, and date range, selected from the Bank Links form in the Financials module. The results include payment date, mode, payee/payer, invoice amount, and actual debit/credit amount. It also includes the total of debits/credits and the resulting net cash flow for the selected period. Make sure you have correctly configured the Bank Ledger Code and Bank Links before attempting to use this report.

Daily Control Sheet

This report includes all actual and estimated payments for the selected company on the specified date:

  • Actual AR transactions entered into the system on the reference (Funds Received section of the report).

  • Estimated AR invoices that have an invoice date on or before the reference date (Freights Expected section of the report) and some outstanding balance. It only includes the invoices where the counterparty is a Charterer, which might filter out some non-voyage revenues.

  • AP transactions paid on the reference date (Funds Paid section of the report).

The report includes the counterparty for the transaction, reference vessel/voyage, amounts paid or received, and the due dates for the outstanding invoices.

You can also filter the report by specifying the base currency threshold amount in the Inv Amt Over (Base Curr) field, which will be used to print only transactions over that amount.

The Daily Control Sheet only shows funds received/paid if you are entering payments and receipts into the financial ledger. If your company does not enter cash transactions, you will be unable to see received funds on the report.

Foreign Exchange Exposure Report

When you click Report, you can select either of the following:

  • Foreign Exchange Exposure: This report includes information on the company’s exposure to the foreign currency market for the selected currencies and various date ranges (buckets – up to 12 allowed). Exposure is calculated in different categories if they are based on a foreign currency. Exposures used are: Contracts  (Cargo/COA Freight and Commissions, Time Charter Hire and Commissions, and Port Costs specified on the contracts), Operations (Freight, Hire Commissions, and Port Expenses) and Finance (Outstanding Freight, Hire, Commissions and Port Expenses, through invoices that are not yet paid in full).

  • Exclusions: This report includes Cargoes with invalid data that are therefore excluded from the Foreign Exchange Exposure report (Port, Port Function, Port Expense, Currency, and order of itinerary do not match the load/discharge ports of the contract's linked Benchmark Estimate). The Exclusions report has the following columns: Company, Contract ID (Reference No. on the Cargo form), Benchmark Estimate ID, Ports in Cargo Itinerary (L/D only), Ports in Benchmark Estimate Itinerary (L/D only).

Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Income Statement

  • Trial Balance: This report includes revenues, expenses, assets, and liability accounts summaries for the selected year and month(s), with totals for debits, credits, and the final balance. You can select to show the beginning and ending balances for the selected period.
    Note: On the Account Periods form, if you do not enter a default Retained Earnings account, you may receive a large Unknown amount on your Trial Balance report. To rectify this, you will need to enter the default ledger code from the Chart of Accounts under the Retained Earnings field for the account period.

  • Balance Sheet: This report includes an assets and liabilities accounts summary for the selected month(s) and year (or year to date) with the total of debits, credits, and final balance. The beginning and ending balances for the selected period can be shown.

  • Income Statement: This report includes a revenues and expenses accounts summary for the selected year and month(s), with totals for debits, credits, and the final balance and profit (loss) for the specified period. You can select to show the beginning and ending balances for the selected period.

Vendor Statements

This report includes all transactions for the selected company that have a counterparty specified (Vendor Name field), or all counterparties if left blank. Selecting a date range filters transactions by the accounting date. The report can include either a summary or detailed version of the report where transactions are grouped by the counterparty, with beginning balance and all debits/credits for that counterparty within the specified date range. The detailed version, run when the Invoice Details check box is selected, shows line items for each transaction. Each transaction has a link to open the Transaction Data Entry form for more details.

Voyage Report

This report includes all financial transactions for the selected company and date range (accounting date), grouped by the transaction’s reference voyage. The report includes expenses or revenues for each transaction in separate columns and shows the grand total of all expenses and revenues. You can also filter the report for a specific vessel.

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