IMOS - Foreign Exchange Exposure Report
The Foreign Exchange Exposure Report is a built-in Financials report.
The output of built-in reports has been formatted by Veson Nautical. These reports only work if you are posting Veson IMOS Platform invoices to the financial ledger. If your company does not post transactions, you will be unable to use these reports. If you want to create a custom report, use the Report Designer.
When you click Report, you can select either of the following:
Foreign Exchange Exposure: This report includes information on the company’s exposure to the foreign currency market for the selected currencies and various date ranges (buckets – up to 12 allowed). Exposure is calculated in different categories if they are based on a foreign currency. Exposures used are: Contracts (Cargo/COA Freight and Commissions, Time Charter Hire and Commissions, and Port Costs specified on the contracts), Operations (Freight, Hire Commissions, and Port Expenses) and Finance (Outstanding Freight, Hire, Commissions and Port Expenses, through invoices that are not yet paid in full).
Exclusions: This report includes Cargoes with invalid data that are therefore excluded from the Foreign Exchange Exposure report (Port, Port Function, Port Expense, Currency, and order of itinerary do not match the load/discharge ports of the contract's linked Benchmark Estimate). The Exclusions report has the following columns: Company, Contract ID (Reference No. on the Cargo form), Benchmark Estimate ID, Ports in Cargo Itinerary (L/D only), Ports in Benchmark Estimate Itinerary (L/D only).
Report Options

Field Name | Mandatory/Optional | Description | Use When? |
Companies | Mandatory | The selections of W-type company from the Address Book; this field will determine which company's contracts/invoices are fetched on the report | Always; enter at least one company. |
Currencies | Optional | The selection of the foreign currencies to include on the report | When you want to see the foreign exchange exposure for the selected foreign exchange(s). |
Inv Amt Over (Base Curr) | Optional | The threshold for the invoice amount. Only the AP/AR amount that is higher than the threshold will be included in the report. | When you only want to see the ARs/APs that are above one threshold amount. |
Monthly or Over Period | Mandatory |
| Always select one or another. |
Number of Buckets | Mandatory | This determines how many buckets are displayed on the report:
| Always. |
Bucket Size | Mandatory | This determines the size (time range) of a bucket:
| Always. |
Contracts | Optional |
| When you want to include different sessions on the report. |
Operations | Optional |
| When you want to include different sessions on the report. |
Finance | Optional |
| When you want to include different sessions on the report. |
Contract Status check boxes | Optional |
| When you want to filter cargoes depending on option status. |
Include Left Outliers | Optional | Select to include the sum of the positions before the first Bucket in the report. Using the example from the screenshot above, the sum of the positions before Jul 2016 will be shown as a separate bucket on the report. | When you want to see the sum of the positions before your first defined bucket. |
Include Right Outliers | Optional | Select to include the sum of the positions after the first Bucket in the report. Using the example from the screenshot above, the sum of the positions after Jul 2016 will be shown as a separate bucket on the report. | When you want to see the sum of the positions after your last defined bucket. |
Breakdown by Contract/Port | Optional |
| When you want to break down the FX elements by contract or by port. |