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IMOS - Cashflow Reports

The Cashflow Reports are built-in Financials reports

This report includes the summary or details of payments for the specified company and account. The Bank Code selection corresponds to the Ledger Code that is set up in the Financials module under Bank Links. The report includes payment dates, the payee/payer name, amount debited/credited, and total debits, credits, and net cash flow for the specified period. Make sure you have correctly configured Bank Links before attempting to use this report.

Report Options

Field NameMandatory / OptionalDescriptionUse When?
Major CompanyMandatoryA W-type company from the Address Book; this field will determine which transactions are included in the report.Always
Bank CodeMandatory

The Bank Ledger Code, against which you want to report.

  1. Set up Bank in Chart of Accounts with Category = Bank
  2. Ensure that the Bank Links are set up in the Major Company's Address Book Entry
  3. In Financials>Company Bank Links, link the Ledger Code from the Chart of Accounts Bank entry with the appropriate Bank Link
  4. That ledger code (either pulled from the Company Bank Links or the Chart of Accounts, the value is the same) is entered here.

Additional Bank Links set up help: IMOS - Bank Links

Date From and Date ToMandatoryThe date range you want to report on; it will pull in cash transactions based on their payment/receipt date.Always
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